Remote Learning

Screencastify Submit.mp4

Screencastify Submit

Screencastify Submit will allow you to make an assignment for your students that requires them to record themselves or the screen of their device. This can all work though Google Classroom without the need for the Screencastify extension.

Form Feedback with No Gmail.mp4

Provide Form Feedback with No Email

It is possible to provide feedback to students on a Google Form Quiz even if they do not have access to their Gmail. This demonstration walks you through all the necessary steps to set this up and what you should do once the students take the quiz to allow them to see the results and feedback.

Using Kami Part 1.mp4

Using Kami During Remote Learning

I have created a series of videos to help explain how to use Kami during "Remote Learning". Kami is a tool that will allow a teacher or student to annotate on top of a PDF document.

Setting Up a Kami Assignment - In this video you will see how to add the Kami extension, how to record your directions for the assignment directly on the PDF document, and how to assign the PDF directly through Google Classroom.

Using Kami Part 2.mp4

The Student View of a Kami Assignment - In this video you will see the assignment given in part one from the perspective of the student. In the assignment the student uses the text to speech tool, the dictionary tool, the highlighter tool, and the drawing tools to complete the work. You will also see the student turning in the work to Google Classroom.

Using Kami Part 3.mp4

Grading a Kami Assignment - Continuing with the same sample assignment, this video shows how the teacher can grade the Kami assignment in Google Classroom and use many of the Kami tools. This demonstration includes how a teacher can essentially use a "red pen" to mark on a student's assignment, provide a recorded comment, and add a text box message directly on the students work. Finally I demonstrate how to return this work to the student allowing them to see all the notations you added to their assignment.

Using Kami Part 4.mp4

More Kami Tools - this final video shows how some of the additional tools can be used in assignments. The Equation Tool is great for math, science, and music. The drawing tools are shown in a math lesson. The insert image tool is used for a Social Studies type activity.

Using Screencastify to record lessons - L3.mp4

Using Screencastify to record a lesson

How to Record a Lesson with Screencastify

At some point during "Remote Learning" you are going to need to teach new content to your students. Screencastify is a great tool to use to record yourself, desktop, or both at the same time. It has a really easy to use feature that will allow you to push your video directly to a YouTube Channel.

Because of the COVID-19 the creators of screencastify are offering the Unlimited version with the promo code (CAST_COVID). Here is how to upgrade.

As of 3/19/20 the amount of new content is causing video processing to be very slow. Here is the work around - add video to YouTube.

Creating Office Hours with Google Meet

In order to maintain a connection with students, online "Office Hours" will be created using Google Meet. To assist you with this setup, video directions have been created in order to have consistency throughout the district.

Here is a link to get a copy of the student directions for joining teachers in their "Office Hours". Please add a copy of this Google Doc in your Google Classroom as described in the video.

Teaching New Content.mp4

How to Record a Lesson with Google Meet

At some point during "Remote Learning" you are going to need to teach new content to your students. You may use Google Meet to do this, but instead of connecting with students live, we will record a Meet session with no students in the meeting. To assist you with this setup, video directions have been created in order to have consistency throughout the district.

Participation Checkpoints.mp4

Participation Checkpoints (Attendance)

Keeping daily attendance will not be possible during "Remote Learning". However, we still need to have a method for reporting student participation. Along with grades posted in ProgressBook, weekly participation checkpoints will be done by taking "Period Attendance" in each classroom. Teachers have the option of marking "Everything Turned In", "Some Things Turned In", or "Nothing Turned In" for each student. The district will use this to ensure students are connect with the assignments and work being provided by teachers. To assist you with marking Period Attendance, video directions have been created in order to have consistency throughout the district.

Signing into Staff Meetings and TBTs

How Staff Can Join Virtual Meetings

While we are utilizing "Remote Learning", it will be important for the buildings to have opportunities to meet both as an entire staff as well as to be able to continue work that is being done in TBTs and Departments. These directions will assist staff in connecting with these "Virtual Meetings". Click on the Google Doc to the left to see the details or click this link to save your own copy in your Google Drive.

Google at Home

This video was created earlier in the year to help parents understand how to help students utilize Google at Home. This will be a good resource to get out to parents as it talks about Google Classroom, how to login to accounts, and other relevant information for "Remote Learning".