7th Grade Reflection

7th Grade Reflection

I walked out of school on the last day of 6th grade. 6th grade was a terrible year, but now I can put that to the past and start a new fresh start in 7th grade. I didn’t enjoy my 6th-grade summer vacation since I was in quarantine during all of the summer. Finally, summer vacation has passed and now I will be starting 7th grade. The first few weeks during 7th grade, I was virtual meaning I had to sit behind a screen and stare at my computer screen. It was boring because my teachers were lagging, meaning I couldn’t understand half of what the teachers said. The teachers always had to pause every now and then to make sure the students were paying attention which took ages since some of the kids didn’t respond. When the school said that students could return back on campus, I was glad because I didn’t like being virtual. My first few days at the school weren’t anything special or new. I went to my classes and did my work. The only difference between being virtual and being face to face is that instead of sitting in my room, I have to sit in a classroom. I decided to go to school instead of being virtual because I could ask my teachers questions and they could help me which made my grades increase. The whole school year passed following the same cycle which was an assignment and then a test. Overall 7th grade was boring, but some days it was fun since the teachers planned fun activities. Those days happened rarely though. I want to move on with 7th grade to 8th grade since all the field trips had been canceled due to covid and we had to wear masks while in school. I can reassuringly say that I won’t be missing 7th grade and I’m ready to move on to 8th grade.