Cairo, Egypt

Cairo N.

Cairo was born on December 19, 2007, in Houston TX. He has 2 siblings who are named Vianka and Crystal. Cairo also has a mom named Maria, and a dad named Victor. Cairo is currently the youngest member of his family. His family currently lives in the same house. Cairo also attends a school named Woodland Acres Middle School and makes mostly A's, but sometimes makes B's.

Cairo is good at math, science, reading, and social studies, but struggles with writing. He used to play the guitar and cello, but now only plays the saxophone. Cairo mostly plays games in his free time or whenever he gets the chance to. He also reads for fun and to expand his vocabulary. Another one of Cairo’s hobbies is to practice his typing skills.

Cairo has mastered his STAAR test on math in 5th grade and 7th grade. He also can play Careless Whisper on the saxophone. Cairo currently is not failing any of his classes, he is doing significantly. He’s also in encounters and the wind ensemble class. Cairo has also been able to solve a Rubix cube in under a minute.

Cairo's goal in the future is to get a master’s degree in college or a university. The university that Cairo wants to go to is the University of Houston. He also has a goal to get a job and be able to pay his bills, taxes, house, and car. Cairo hopes in the future he does something to change the world positively.