6th Grade Reflection

I was in elementary school ready to go to middle school. I had already bought the stuff that I needed to survive in middle school. There I was entering the halls of doom with my yellow shirt. On the first day of middle school, I saw people I knew and people I didn't. Most of my teachers were kind to me. I didn't do too much work on the first day of school. After the first day of school, I was happy, but then I realized a tragedy. My schedule was all over the place. I had random classes that I didn't want, but I had to be patient since the teacher told us it would be fixed soon.

 Middle school wasn't that exciting as I thought it would be. I still had to do work and projects which were boring even though the teachers tried to make them fun. My favorite teacher was Ms. Pingsterhaus since she was so nice to me. Also, her class was my favorite class because we did nice little experiments that amazed me. I wasn't in encounters in 5th grade, but from what I heard it was supposed to be fun. There I was on my first day in encounters class. The first day was a pretty chill day since I didn't really do any work. As the days passed in encounters I did projects that I had never done before. Then I was suddenly working on this research paper that was supposed to be filled with facts. I finished it, but then I had to the shield which I was going to finish after spring break. Spring break came and I was ready to enjoy my one week off from school. 

I remember something about my science teacher telling me about this virus that started to spread. My mom was telling me that I wasn't going to go back to school because of this virus. Then I learned something called Zoom that the class was going to use to learn online. So after spring break I went to Zoom and joined my classes, but it was laggy and I got distracted often so when I had to do the work I was confused. I still tried my best to keep up with my grades though. It was summer and I was finally out of school. My schedule never got changed so I still had random classes that I didn’t even want. I was glad that I was out of school since 6th grade wasn't the best year.