

My diorama is about the middle ages. One of the things I have in my diorama is a castle. The castle is made out of black construction paper and popsicle sticks that were painted black and gray. I also used gray paint to paint around the castle to make it look like it has gravel around the castle.

Another thing I have in the diorama is a well that is made out of corks, popsicle sticks, and rope. I glue the corks together in a circle so I can paint the inside of the corks blue to make it seem like the well has water inside it. After I painted the inside of the well blue, I put clear glue on top of the paint to make it look more like water.

I also built a tent which is a home for people that don’t live in the castle because they don’t have enough money to live there. The tent was made out of corks, popsicle sticks, and play dough to hold the tent together.

Next to the tent, I have some wheat that is growing that the farmers are taking care of. The people in the middle ages use wheat to make bread and other sweets.

The diorama also has a campfire that is used to cook meat or other things. The campfire is made out of red, orange, and yellow construction paper. The base of the campfire is made out of popsicle sticks that I cut in half for the purpose of having the campfire small.

The last thing I have in my diorama is an apple tree that is next to a lake. The reason I put an apple tree next to the lake is to remind the people of nature and how peaceful it is.