Isaac Martinez

Isaac Martinez: The Last Year Before High School

Isaac is in the 8th grade this year and not that much has changed for him. Now that the Covid conditions got better he's going to school in person, instead of being virtual with nobody around him. So far, school has been good for him the past month. Learning has been better to understand for him, by actually being inside school.

Before this school year started he turned thirteen in the summer and has grown the past year. During the time until school started he was preparing for what was next. Although ever since he got to Middle School he stopped competing in spelling bees, since he didn't enjoy it as much compared to in Elementary School.

Besides school, his goals haven't changed that much since the past year. He started working out since he had a lot of free time to do stuff. In the future he kind of has an idea of what he wants to be in the future, maybe photography or something with computers. He's thinking about playing football when he gets to High School instead of band because he probably won't enjoy band as much next year and likes football. Though at the time he mainly wants to focus on school to get good grades.