Community Banners

Timeless words to live by shared by our students: "Courage, Together, Inclusion, Safety, and Respect."

Students at Parkside Collegiate Institute, B. Davison, and John Wise P.S. were supported by United Way, Innovation, Equity and Inclusion, to collaborate with artist Evond Blake (Mediah) and develop a school community mural banner. While the project started in English class, it quickly became an interdisciplinary initiative as numerous classes joined virtually to share their ideas.

The project began with a goal to demonstrate growth and achievement with a focus on literacy. B. Davison student Bryant Thorpe was inspired to write a persuasive letter about "Why students should have an artwork created by Mediah." With support from United Way, three schools were able to collaborate and empower their voices to promote equity, community, and inclusivity. The banners are printed and will be hung at each school.

Launch of Project - May 21st & 31st

Students at Parkside Collegiate Institute, B. Davison, and John Wise P.S. are being supported by United Way to collaborate with Evond Blake and develop a school and community mural banner.

Students will be introduced to Evond, then given a link to enter words that describe community. Evond will co-design a digital banner the promotes equity, community, and inclusivity using the words the students have shared. The banner will be printed and hung at each school (The colours and imagery will differ based on student ideas).

All classes and subjects are invited to attend to participate. Please share this opportunity with anyone you'd like to be added the virtual experience.

John Wise and Parkside student collaboration banners with Evond Blake 2021.

Students Responded:

Describe your interests and how you see yourself in the community.

How can we work together to be inclusive?

What does "Community" mean to you?

Pre-Learning Learn about our guest artist Evond Blake (Mediah) who we are learning with on May 21st and 31st. @Mediah Instagram.

May 21st:

Parkside and John Wise meet 10:15am in Teams

B. Davison meets 11:30am in Teams

More about Evond & TVDSB.

During the session we will have a Design Thinking Brainstorm:

Describe your interests and how you see yourself in the community.

How can we work together to be inclusive?

What does "Community" mean to you?

John Wise and Parkside Brainstorm Link

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B. Davison Brainstorm Link

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