Collaborative Books

Kindergarten to Grade 12 Projects

In May, Port Burwell Grade 3s had guest author share her book "What Do You See? A Road Trip Adventure." The TVDSB students, dedicated teacher Lori Hill, and Innovation Coordinator Laura Briscoe collaborated to write their own version of the story "What Do You See Port Burwell?"

Students created images, wrote the book and recorded their voices reading. Congratulations to a fabulous example of literacy and collaboration.

Full Remote Classes Personalized letters between Grade 3 and 6 students in Book Creator.

Full Remote Grade 5/6 and Grade 3

"Inspired by community building efforts of our Innovation Learning Coordinator and searching for a way to motivate a class of grade 6 online students to read, we have launched a collaborative pilot project between a grade 3 and a grade 6 FRL class. The basic idea is to ignite the spark of a love of reading within students in both the primary and intermediate grades by bringing the idea of 'reading buddies' into the online world.

A year ago, Mrs. Sedig came across a book called A Velocity of Being. It is a collection of letters written by famous artists, writers, poets, and scientists to young readers, telling kids what they love about books and why reading is so important to them. The book is a beautiful collection of letters filled with touching stories and experiences from the childhood of these famous people, and what made them come to love books and reading.

Our project, 'For the Love of Reading', first partners grade 6 students with grade 3 students through Flipgrid videos. Then, grade 6 students make a video recording of themselves doing a read-aloud of a picture book on a topic of interest to their grade 3 buddy. Finally, based on the model provided by some of the letters in A Velocity of Being, the grade 6s will write a persuasive letter to their grade 3 buddies telling them why it's important to read and how reading has touched or inspired their own lives.

Through this project, we hope to create a sense of a larger school community online, and to ignite the love of reading in both age groups."

Interactive classrooms designed by students for students

Grade 11, Social Science at London Central:

Each student worked on an individual page, then uploaded their page to the digital collaborative book. Students recorded their voices reading the book to support young readers.