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Co-op Ed?

What is Co-operative Education?

Co-op integrates a student's academic study with practical work experience. Co-op can benefit all students, whatever their post-secondary destination.

Students have an opportunity to obtain secondary school credits, expand their classroom knowledge and skills, and gain "real-world" experience through supervised work placements.

Why take Co-op?

Co-op gives students the opportunity to:

  • Experience different careers
  • Develop employability skills
  • Strengthen interpersonal skills

Who can take Co-op?

Typically students in grades 11 and 12.

When does Co-op take place?

Co-op is offered as a two-credit or four-credit package each semester. Two-credit students may be scheduled to "work" in the morning OR afternoon. Four-credit students are at their work placement all day.

Where does Co-op happen?

Students find or are placed in placements that provide roles and responsibilities similar to a real workplace employee. Suitable placements allow for real learning, are safe environments, and allow for completion of hours. We have many community partners willing to offer these great opportunities to students. Please see "Community Partners" tab.

How do you APPLY for Co-op?

Select GLW or GLN (both for 4-credit) when registering for classes. Fill out and submit a Student Application Form (available below) and be sure to hand it in to the co-op office AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. You will also need TWO teachers to each complete a Teacher Reference Form (available below). Students will be contacted in the spring for an interview.

TVDSB Student Application Form.pdf

Student Application Form

TVDSB Teacher Reference Form.pdf

Teacher Reference Form (need 2)