Unit 5: The Cold War & Beyond

1. Introduction to the Cold War and the Iron Curtain - slide show and handout note

2. History on Film "Blast from the Past"

3. ISP Work Period - 223 computer lab

4. Cold War & 1950s Overview - crossword pairs race

5. ISP Work Period - ASR computer lab

6. The Cold War Continues - slide show and handout note

7. Europe 1945-1990 - map worksheet

8. Europe 1945-1990 - map QUIZ (Thursday, January 15, 2015)

9. Overview of the 1950's - Canadian scrapbook worksheet

10. 1950's Teenage Life - cut & paste collage activity

11. Teens in the 1950's - article reading

12. Rock 'n Roll

13. History on Film - "1960's Movie"

See below for worksheet, note, and assignment files.

The Cold War Introduction.pdf

Introduction to the Cold War and the Iron Curtain - slide show

The Cold War Introduction HANDOUT.pdf

Introduction to the Cold War and the Iron Curtain - handout note

1950s and the Cold War CROSSWORD.pdf

Cold War & 1950s Overview - crossword pairs race

The Cold War Continued.pdf

The Cold War Continues - slide show

The Cold War Continues HANDOUT.docx

The Cold War Continues - handout note

Cold War Map of Europe MAP.pdf

Europe 1945-1990 - blank map

Cold War Map of Europe INSTRUCTIONS.pdf

Europe 1945-1990 - map instructions

Cold War Iron Curtain MAP COLOUR.pdf

Europe 1945-1990 - completed map

1950s scrapbook.pdf

Overview of the 1950's - Canadian scrapbook worksheet

1950s - Package Teens Female.docx

1950's Teenage Life - cut & paste collage activity (female)

1950s - Package Teens Male.docx

1950's Teenage Life - cut & paste collage activity (male)

1950s - Package Teens Article.pdf

Teens in the 1950's - article reading

1960 Sex, Drugs & Rock n’ Roll.ppt

Rock 'n Roll - slide show


Rock 'n Roll - timeline

the '60s Movie.docx

History on Film - "1960's Movie"