Is this programming a good fit for me?

  • ELO’s are for Juniors and Seniors.

  • ELO’S are for everyone who is looking for more specialized skill development and learning outside of the classroom that aligns with their passions and interests. ELO students are usually students who want to kick start their career in high school or would just like to explore their field of interest before entering the workforce after high school to see if it’s a good fit for them.

  • ELO’s are great for students who want to pursue an internship or project-based opportunity to gain school credit

  • If you’re unsure of whether or not this is for you, talking with your ELO Coach about your options is a great way to start.

Am I guaranteed to find a mentor/internship?

  • To find placements for ELO students we try to build solid relationships with businesses in the greater Gorham community. While we have a lot of willing people who would love to work with us, we can’t always guarantee there will be a perfect opportunity for each student. Sometimes, we need to revisit options during a later semester or year.

  • We can’t force a business to work with us or host a student, so it is largely dependent upon availability.

How long does it take to complete an ELO?

  • This is different for every student and is dependent on a lot of variables, including: student & mentor schedules, student & mentor availability, how long it takes to find a placement, and how many credits the student hopes to receive. Typically, ELO's last for the equivalent of a semester but can be longer if needed. In most cases, the ELO doesn't line up exactly with the school schedule depending on when the student is placed and when the mentor is able to onboard them.

  • If you are in the ELO Elective Course, your placement will last for a semester unless you and your mentor wish to continue for longer.

Will I have to put in time outside of school/our meetings?

  • Yes! Your placement can take place either during or after school, depending on your schedule and your mentor’s availability and schedule.

  • You will need to fill out a weekly google reflection that tracks your progress and your time spent on your ELO. Google reflections as well as the two written reflections will need to take place during your own time.

I don’t have senior privileges. Am I allowed to leave school for my ELO?

  • Yes. If your ELO takes place during the school day you will have permission to leave school without needing to check in with anyone. This change will be reflected in your schedule.

Will I get paid?

  • We hope so! Not all businesses offer paid opportunities but plenty do. If this is a high priority for you, we can discuss that together.

  • You also have the opportunity to participate in a Career Badging Exploration online course that will grant you $500 upon completion. We can talk about this together when the time comes.

  • Don’t forget: you are receiving credit and skill based experience for doing an ELO! This is a great way to build your resume as well.

What if I want to meet with my ELO coach more frequently?

  • If you would like to do your reflections in person or together, and feel that you’d rather talk through your experiences we can develop a consistent meeting schedule after you have been placed in your ELO.

  • Always feel free to stop by the ELO office if you are in need of support or shoot us an email!

Will I have to set everything up on my own?

  • We will work together to find a placement/opportunity. It is important to learn how to find job opportunities yourself and continue to develop your networking skills. That said, we will be there to guide you through the process and will be in touch with your mentor along the way.

  • If you feel uncomfortable contacting a business by yourself, we can do so together.