Study Skills

Welcome to my series on

Study Skills!

Occasionally, I will be posting tips, tricks, videos, hacks, and other tools to help you keep your physical workspace organized as well as your digital space streamlined.

February 7, 2022

New Year, New Skills...How the heck do you take notes??

This post is dedicated to those who have ever been asked to take notes and just froze...

"Nobody ever taught me how to take notes!"

"What do I know what to write down?"

"The teacher is talking too fast! I can't write all that down!"

Relax. You don't have to! You just need a few tips, tricks and some practice!

This is a great video ( a little long at the beginning) that has a clear 3-Step formula for composing your notes!

  1. Write conclusions, not facts

  2. Use Colors to help better define your notes (you'll remember it better too!)

  3. Review your notes afterwards (try teaching the material to a classmate!)

Here is a Slide Presentation I have created for you about how I take notes like a pro.


Ok, this is my new obsession...

Have you ever seen a mini book?

They are called Dwarsliggers, or Flipbacks, and they originate in the Netherlands, and although more popular in Europe, you can find some titles in this format.

What is great is that it is a full-length novel that fits in your pocket! Now, you never have to be without a great book to read.

Come check out Mrs. Christensen's collection of Dwarsliggers in the library!

SEPTEMBER 10, 2021


Goleta Valley Public Library is offering

free online homework help!

Head to the website for more information and to sign up!

Week 4 Post: March 5, 2021

To Keep or Not to Keep. That is the Question...*

What do you do with all that paperwork??

*if you know the original phrase (and the author) I am modifying with this heading, send me an email and you'll find a prize in your distribution/classwork next week!

You know it's time to clean your room/desk/folders/binders when things start getting lost, but to keep on top of all the paperwork, start by evaluating each item as it comes across your desk.

Follow the flow chart below for some help!

Week 3 Post: February 19, 2021

What does your workspace look like?

Need some design inspiration?

This YouTuber, Estella, from Study to Success is my absolute favorite! Her videos are soothing, dreamy and my ultimate inspiration for organization, design and she has the BEST recommendations for school supplies!!

She's actually doing a giveaway this week

(March 1-5)

Check out her latest post!

Week 2 Post: February 5, 2021

What is your organizational Personality Type?

Are you a :


*I made this word up



How you organize doesn't matter, as long as it works for you! Let's dive a little deeper into how to stay organized regardless of your system preference.


These can be a fantastic way to stay organized! Use one for each subject or a larger one for all your work. All you need is a 3-hole punch, some snazzy dividers, and you're good to go!

File Folders Your Jam?

How could you go wrong? Everything at your fingertips, easily accessed, maybe even color coded? Whether you use a file box, a basket that sits on your desk or a drawer, this is a fantastic system!

Piles Anyone?

Perhaps the most challenging to keep "on top of", but a strategy all the same if you can make it work for you! Some simple organization items can make this a winning strategy too. (This isn't a video, but a link to a blogpost about ways to keep all the papers sorted and tidy!)

What's Your Strategy??

Fill out this Survey and you might find something to help you stay organized in your next Distribution Pickup!

Week 1 Post: January 22, 2021

Let's take some time to talk about...time management.

How do you spend your study time? How do you make sure you get all your work done?

It's so hard with all the distractions in life these days to stay focused on schoolwork or... anything really. Some of the things I have to do to make sure I stay on track are:

  • Keep my desk clean and clear of clutter

  • Announce to my family that I am going to start studying (don't bother me for the next hour!)

  • Close out all my YouTube and Facebook and Pinterest tabs on my browser--anything that isn't my assignment

  • Make a checklist of what I need to get done--even draw little boxes in front of each item so I can check them off as I go

  • Set my Pomodoro* timer and get started!! *see video below

Here's a fun technique I like to use to keep me on task.

It's called the Pomodoro Technique. Do you know what the word "pomodoro" means? You will if you watch the video!

How are your Study Skills?

Please fill out this form: