Alexandria Database

Welcome to our New Online Database!

As this is new to everyone this year, here are some quick How To videos to walk you through the steps you need to take to log in, search and place books on hold so you can check out titles from our school library.

How to Log In

How to Search

How to Place a Hold

A Few Things to Remember:

  • You may place up to 12 books on hold during any Distribution Cycle

  • You may check out up to 6 books every other week

*If you place more than six books on hold at one time, the six books chosen will be selected in the order they appear on the Hold Report I run. If there are any books you are especially eager to check out, I suggest you only place six on hold at one time to ensure you receive your priority books. Once they show up as "checked out" in your Patron Status, you may add more books to your Hold list.