
As busy as we are, who has time to meditate? Think of it like brushing your teeth—you take five minutes to brush every day so your teeth won’t decay. In the same way, think of it as a way to preserve your brain’s health. You can spare a few minutes either at your desk, in your car, on quick walk outside or sitting on a park bench. Think of spaces in your schedule where you can take a few minutes off.

Success Magazine

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1. You can spare a few minutes either at your desk, in your car, on quick walk outside or sitting on a park bench. (Success Magazine)

Why is this my #1: I think this is important because you can practice meditation and mindfulness anywhere, it doesn't have to be at home.

2. Whatever the activity, try to carry the mindfulness you cultivated during your meditation with you into the next task and throughout the rest of your day. (Headspace)

Why is this my #2: It is important for us as humans to practice mindfulness and meditation with anything that we do that because meditation and mindfulness are very important practices that we should have in our lives and it helps us when we are stressed or feeling anxious.

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3. Every minute of meditation creates new neural pathways to keep your mind clearer, calmer and more compassionate. (Vancouver Sun)

Why this is my #3: I think that this is important because practicing meditation can help clear your mind and focus more and make you more aware and alert.

4. Set aside a time each day to practice mindfulness. It is a skill that takes time to develop. (VeryWellFamily)

Why this is my #4: I think that this is important because nothing comes easy and teens and young adults these days don't have that much patience and expect to get things the first try.

5. Anyone can practice meditation. It's simple and inexpensive, and it doesn't require any special equipment.

Why this is my #5: This is important because anyone can practice it, it doesn't depend on a persons age.

Click the link below for practice videos and exercises!