
The practice of being mindful allows children and teens to cope with frustration when they are faced with something difficult in their lives. It can also be used when they need to focus their attention on something specific and not allow distractions to derail them.

The more kids and teens practice being mindful or meditating, the better they get at it.

Plus, it really works. In fact, research shows that practicing mindfulness can improve attention spans for just about anyone—including young people with ADHD who often have trouble paying attention. Overall, people who learn to practice mindfulness are able to pay attention better and are less distractible. Mindfulness also helps individuals stay calm under stress, avoid getting too upset, get along better with others, and be more patient. It can even impact learning, help kids and teens become better listeners, and feel happier overall.


Image sourced from: VeryWellFamily


1. The practice of being mindful allows children and teens to cope with frustration when they are faced with something difficult in their lives. (sourced from: VeryWellFamily)

WHY THIS IS MY #1? Because we all get frustrated sometimes and we have to know how to deal with it on a daily basis.

2. Meditation and mindfulness can also be used when we need to focus our attention on something specific and not allow distraction to derail them. (sourced from: VeryWellFamily)

WHY THIS IS MY #2? It is important to be able to learn how to focus, because our attention is one of our most precious resources and you have to invest them in the right place.

Sourced from:

3. Mindfulness improves well-being, by supporting many attitudes that contribute to a satisfied life. (sourced from: Harvard Health Guide)

WHY THIS IS MY #3? This is important because I feel like many people don't have the right mindset when it comes to approaching life with positivity, and if mindfulness can help us make us more positive and optimistic then we should all do it.

4. Mindfulness improves physical health. Mindfulness can: help relieve stress, treat heart disease, lower blood pressure, reduce chronic pain, improve sleep, and alleviate gastrointestinal difficulties. (sourced from: Harvard Health Guide)

WHY THIS IS MY #4? This is important because our bodies are the ones that help us grow and help us live a long, healthy life. The more we can do to support our bodies the better we are for it.

Sourced from: Yoga Journal

5. While we may not immediately notice the long-term protective effects of meditation on normal brain atrophy, one may still get these quicker benefits from meditating. (Sourced from Success Magazine)

WHY THIS IS MY #5? Just like it is important to take care of our bodies it is important to take of our brains, because our intelligence level is important to preserve over time.

Click the link below for practice videos and exercises!