Additional Information About Mindfulness

               Everyday Mindfulness Exercises: 

"Mindful eating/drinking: eat one meal per day mindfully. Take the time to taste each bit. Taste the flavors, notice the textures, and make general observations about how you feel before, during, and after your meal. 

Notice your sense: What are two things that you can touch, taste, smell, and hear, right now? 

Do one thing at a time: When eating, just eat. When doing any activity whether it’s school related or something that you enjoy doing, try to be fully present. 

Deep listening: Have one conversation each day where you intentionally listen completely. And contemplate

(You’ll experience distractions, everybody does. Simply notice that you’re distracted and non-judgementally bring your focus back to the activity. Be patient. )

Try this gratitude thought exercise during a meal

Consider all of the various people whose effort provides the food on your plate

(The gardeners that planted, watered and harvested the veggies on your plate. The bakers that woke up early and baked the bread for your sandwich. The truckers that transported the food to the grocery store. The grocery store employees stock the shelves with fresh food daily." Raleigh Rockwell

Other types of Mindfulness For Every Day Life

Mindful Eating

Mindful Walking

Mindful Showering

Mindful Cleaning

Mindful Commuting

Mindful Shopping

Mindful Breathing

Mindful Listening 

Mindful Waiting

Mindful Workout

Mindful Driving

Mindful Wakeup