
There is more than one way to practice mindfulness, but the goal of any mindfulness technique is to achieve a state of alert, focused relaxation by deliberately paying attention to thoughts and sensations without judgment. This allows the mind to refocus on the present moment.

All mindfulness techniques are a form of meditation.

Harvard University

Image sourced from: Pinterest

Basic mindfulness meditation – Sit quietly and focus on your natural breathing or on a word or “mantra” that you repeat silently. Allow thoughts to come and go without judgment and return to your focus on breath or mantra.

Body sensations – Notice subtle body sensations such as an itch or tingling without judgment and let them pass. Notice each part of your body in succession from head to toe.

Sensory – Notice sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and touches. Name them “sight,” “sound,” “smell,” “taste,” or “touch” without judgment and let them go.

Emotions – Allow emotions to be present without judgment. Practice a steady and relaxed naming of emotions: “joy,” “anger,” “frustration.” Accept the presence of the emotions without judgment and let them go.

Urge surfing – Cope with cravings (for addictive substances or behaviors) and allow them to pass. Notice how your body feels as the craving enters. Replace the wish for the craving to go away with the certain knowledge that it will subside.

Kaia's Top 5 Exercises:

1. Mindfulness meditation. This type of meditation is based on being mindful, or having an increased awareness and acceptance of living in the present moment. (Mayo Clinic)

Why this is my #1: This is important because it helps us be more aware of ourselves and living in the present moment. We don't have to worry about the past or the future all we have to focus on is what we are doing not in this moment.

2. Body Scan. Instead of training your attention on the breath, as is the case in basic mindfulness meditation, the body scan involves systematically focusing on different sensations and areas, from the head to the toes. (New York Times)

Why this is my #2: This is important because it allows you to be more aware of your body and to understand it better.

Sourced From: New York Times

4. Yoga. You perform a series of postures and controlled breathing exercises to promote a more flexible body and a calm mind. As you move through poses that require balance and concentration, you're encouraged to focus less on your busy day and more on the moment. (Mayo Clinic)

Why this is my #4: This is important because this allows you move your body in different positions and it requires concentration and focus.

5. Guided Meditations: Guided meditations can take you places you can only imagine and they can even be used for personal development issues and healing. Very similar to hypnotherapy, guided meditations are extremely beneficial and useful. (Positive Psychology)

Why this is my #5: I think guided meditations are quite useful because they can help you be calm and focus on being at peace.

Click the link below for practice videos and exercises!