Resources for Educators/ Counsellors

Ways to Stop Bullying Download our worksheet at: Are you being bullied? Then you're in the company of a whole host of awesome people, like Bill Clinton, Taylor Swift and Christian Bale, who experienced bullying in school. That's right, even Batman has been bullied. Not only that, but studies show that one-third of all students are bullied every year. Now, we can rattle off a bunch of bullying facts and anti bullying statistics, but, of course, knowing them doesn't really help when you're in the thick of it and being bullied yourself. We here at WellCast are here to help. We've got a four step method that'll show you how to boost your confidence, protect yourself from harm and find help.

If you're between the ages of 10 to 14, you're probably going through puberty. During puberty, you might be wondering for the first time about who you really are and what others think about you. It's normal to try on different identities and see which one feels right. It can feel confusing, but take the time to figure it out. And don't forget to enjoy the ride!

ACE - Adverse Childhood Experiences and Trauma

Understanding Learning and Trauma

Neurobiology of Trauma

Trauma Informed Practices that Work
