Mental Health Resources for Kids

This is a work in progress! As I find something I will add to this space.

And remember you are not alone. If you need help, remember to reach out. And if you need something that is not here, please ask.

Mental Health Literacy Short Animation Series

Stress Explained - Elementary Edition (Le stress - édition élémentaire)

This video teaches elementary-aged children what stress is, how stress is natural and normal, and how it can be helpful. Two coping strategies are also taught by two children. This video is useful for educators, therapists, health providers and other caregivers who interact with children. 

Anxiety and depression in kids: Healthy Head to Toe 

Kids talk about stress, anxiety and depression and how parents can help. As of 2011-2012, more than 1 in 20, or 2.6 million, U.S. children aged 6-17 years had current anxiety or depression that had previously been diagnosed by a healthcare provider. 

We All Have Mental Health - What is mental health and when do we seek more help?

Elmo’s getting ready for back to school with his daddy! School may look a little different this year, but we can all stay healthy and keep learning. Join Elmo in getting ready for school because we are all in this together. #CaringForEachOther 

Change is Good

Presentation for grades 3 & 4. What is change? How can we adapt and be resilient to change?

What is Mindfulness? ABC Kids - How does the brain work when we are angry or anxious and how we can re-wire it to relax, reflect and make more mindful choices? 

Sesame Street: Courteous (Word on the Street Podcast) Being courteous is important when you are a wee little kiddo. Why, you may politely ask? Because it's important to be respectful and use manners and being polite when you are interacting with other people.  

How your Brain Works - Dr. Binocs - Grades 1-3

Hey Kids, we all know Brain is a very important organ in our body. But, do you know how it works? Dr. Binocs is here to explain your Brain in simple way! 

I Get Angry - A short video about Anger and strategies

What is Mindfulness?

On And Off

The Adolescent Brain - Dr. Dan Seigel - What is happening to your brain as you get a little older?

Happify - Two Wolves - A look at how and why Mindfulness works as well as thinking about what we can do with challenging negative thinking.

Mindfulness Owl - An approach for working through anxieties, worries and general unhelpful thinking.

Happify - How to Fight Negative Thinking - Sometimes thoughts just won't stop... 

Starfish Breathing - Calming down so you control the worry instead of the worry controlling you.

You are Not your Thoughts - How to pay attention to your thinking and let go of the thoughts that hurt you.

What is Anxiety - An explanation for kids as young as 6 - helps them understand what anxiety is and does in their terms.

Visualization Bring it Down - Watching the balloon come down and then letting it go - calming release

STOP for Mindfulness

mine Big P revised

This is an open and honest Q&A about Puberty - Your body - how it changes, what it is and what it does. There are links to external resources. Communication is encouraged.