Officials Rates
Officials Rates 2022-2023
Baseball - 2023/2024
High School Plate - $65.00 Bases - $55.00
0 to 20km - $0.00
21km to 35km - $10.00 flat rate*
36+km - $0.35/km
*Need to cross a BNS regional border
Soccer - 2023/2024
-Senior High: Referee $56.00 Linesmen $36.00 each; One Referee $80.00 max.
Junior High: (35-40 minute halves) Referee $40.00 Linesmen $26.00 each; One Referee $55.00 max. (25-30 minute halves)
One Official (Junior High) : $45.00
Travel - $0.57 per km for round trip of 50 km or more. Meals - $52/day – Breakfast $12, Lunch $15, Supper $25
Football - 2022/2023
Game rate - $300.00 per game. Mileage $0.30 per kilometer for one vehicle per game (as required). Mileage to specific fields is based on the NSFOA staging point, Bedford, NS. Non HRM based officials will be compensated for travel/meals as deemed appropriate. Meals will be charged at $15.00 per meal, per travelling official in all instances. Extra meals are charged for excess of 2 hours of travel (one way) where applicable. a. Antigonish (x2), Sydney (x3).
Volleyball - 2024/2025
The $25 assigning fee previously charged will no longer be collected. There will be a 5% fee for all game fees billed at the end of the season. So, if your Sr. Girls VB team pays $1000 in game fees, your assigning fee will be $50. This fee will be applied to the league, casual matches, tournaments and playoffs your schools host. If an event is cost sharing, I can divide the assigning fee among the teams participating. The assigning fees do not apply to meals, travel or accommodations.
The arrangement in Metro will remain the same with no changes.
Kilometers will be compensated from the referees home and will start at 0. In the past, referees did not qualify for travel until they traveled a minimum of 50 kms. If a referee drives, 24 kms to a school and back, they will receive 24* $0.58 = $13.92 for travel. Additional legitimate expenses will be assessed by the assignor, such as bridge tolls, etc.
Rates - School Sports Nova Scotia
Grade Level 2/3 - 2 Referees 2/3- 1 Referee 3/5 - 2 Referees 3/5 - 1 Referee
High School $25 each $35 $45 each $60
Jr High $25 each $25 $40 each $50
**Each additional set played after the match has been decided will be $7.50/official/set.