Coaching Clinic Opportunities
Coaching Clinic Opportunities
Concussion Education for SSNS Coaches
Concussion Education for SSNS Coaches
SSNS requires all head coaches of all SSNS sport team to complete the "Making Headway" module and the "Safe Sport" module offered for FREE by the Coaches Association of Canada.
SSNS requires all head coaches of all SSNS sport team to complete the "Making Headway" module and the "Safe Sport" module offered for FREE by the Coaches Association of Canada.

Volleyball Coach Education Opportunity
Volleyball Coach Education Opportunity
School Sport Nova Scotia is partnering with Volleyball Nova Scotia to provide online coach education for SSNS member coaches in volleyball.
School Sport Nova Scotia is partnering with Volleyball Nova Scotia to provide online coach education for SSNS member coaches in volleyball.
The Course : Foundations of Volleyball
The Course : Foundations of Volleyball
There are a limited number of licences so if you are interested please complete the following form:
There are a limited number of licences so if you are interested please complete the following form:
Coaching Resources: Coaches can find sport specific information on the website of the individual sports of the SSNS.
Coaching Resources: Coaches can find sport specific information on the website of the individual sports of the SSNS.