Monthly Challenges

These challenges are meant to be fun and to bring positivity and happiness to you (and others too).

They may seem challenging at first, but like with any challenge, the more you work at it, the better you will get at it! And you may not notice the changes in you at first, but I know they will start to change the way your brain and body feel, for the better. Good luck, and have fun! :)

March Break Challenge

The winter is always long, and this year, with COVID-19, we haven't been able to get away to places together, that bring us joy. So, give this a try, to bring a little joy and sunshine into your day. Cut the cards out, and place them in a jar, container or bag.
Try drawing out one or two a day, to add a little "happy" to your day.
Good luck! I hope you enjoy! :)

(Note: There may be a few that you are unable to do, or may be for adults like drinking tea- just remove those from your cards before you put them into your container).

This activity can also be used on days when you're feeling a little upset and need a little pick me up. Challenge a family member to participate when they might need a little pick me up in their day too! The options are endless!

April Challenge- Growth Mindset

Every day choose one (or more) of these statements to read out loud to yourself. Believe what you're saying. That's it! :)

You must have a gnspes account to use this link

May- Mindfulness Challenges "Mindful May"

Mindfulness Calendar

Begin to bring an awareness to the present and bring about a feelings of calm and sense of awareness by learning some simple Mindful activities

31 day Mindfulness Challenge

For the more advanced Mindfulness practitioner. Ignore the date and just have fun and enjoy the feeling of being present and aware with these 31, more advanced Mindful activities.

June Challenge- Gratitude

A few options- You choose which you'd like to do

Being grateful and practicing gratitude, actually changes your brain to think more positively. The better you get at it, the more positively you'll begin to think. The more positively you think, the happier you will be. Happy thoughts make you feel good! :)

"In positive psychology research, gratitude is strongly and consistently associated with greater happiness. Gratitude helps people feel more positive emotions, relish good experiences, improve their health, deal with adversity, and build strong relationships."

Gratitude Jar

Every day, write down something you are grateful/thankful for.

Then, at the end of the month, or on a day you're feeling down, open the jar and read all of the really great things you have in your life.

30 days of Gratefulness

Show your gratitude for 30 days using this calendar

Print it off (if you want) and check things off as you go.

25 day Gratitude Challenge

Connect and do this with a parent, sibling or loved one.

You can say them out loud to someone, or put them in a jar or container (like the gratitude jar).
You could also try doing it as a family.

Have fun! :)

You could try doing this in one day, or doing one item per day for 20 days.

Summer Challenge- Kindness

Lets spread kindness and positivity in July and August!

Try one one month, and another for the other month. Combine any and all! Its up to you how you do it! Just get out there and spread love and kindness! :)

Acts of kindness can change the way our brain works too. Doing good things for others, makes others feel good, but makes us feel good too!

"Most research on the science behind why kindness makes us feel better has centered around oxytocin.
Sometimes called "the love hormone," oxytocin plays a role in forming social bonds and trusting other people."

"Acts of kindness can also give our love hormone levels a boost, research suggests.

Dr. IsHak says studies have also linked random acts of kindness to releasing dopamine, a chemical messenger in the brain that can give us a feeling of euphoria. This feel-good brain chemical is credited with causing what's known as a "helper's high."

In addition to boosting oxytocin and dopamine, being kind can also increase serotonin, a neurotransmitter that helps regulate mood."

Perform random acts of Kindness

Challenge yourself to do some random acts of kindness with this BINGO game.

Play with a sibling, relative or friend

Print these off, put them in a container, and draw one out of the container each day and perform the act of kindness on the card/piece of paper.

Once you've finished, you can put them back in and go for another round, or just keep putting them back in each time.

Kindness Rocks are an amazing way to spread joy, kindness and leave inspirational messages to others. You can hide them around the neighbourhood for others to find or give them as gifts to special friends and family.