
Grief doesn't have to be just in relation to death. Grief can be experienced in relation to a loss of any kind, whether it's a friend or loved one moving away or moving out, or any significant loss a person has experienced.

by Patrice Karst

A story about always being connected by hearts through an invisible string of love.

A Beautiful Way to Explain Life and Death to Children

Here are some helpful links to assist you when helping a child go through a loss:

The following links are not currently working, but I am working, as the webpages have been altered, but I am working on a solution:

"Children may find it difficult to express their grief verbally or may be reluctant to talk out of fear of upsetting those around them. By making a memory box together, it can create an opportunity to talk about the person you have both lost, help your child to open up about their feelings, and allow you both to share memories and reflect on your loved one."

A story about Remembering

"Finding ways to celebrate and remember someone who has died can provide both comfort and a feeling of connection. For children, and even grown-ups, it can be hard to know where to begin. In this story, you and your child will join Elmo’s cousin Jesse as she discovers simple everyday ways to remember her father through familiar routines, favorite songs, stories, and special comfort items. Talk together about the different things that she does. Some might be just right for you and your child to try, too."

A Special Guide for Parents and Caregivers