
Some of you have been asking for some yoga links, so here are some of my favourites. Don't forget to finish off your yoga practice with a savasana, or maybe even a nice guided meditation. :)

Enjoy lovelies! <3


Morning Sunrise Yoga

A simple, gentle 15 minute practice to start your day

Yoga for Teens

A simple, 20 minute practice for all levels

A beautiful, 30 minute energizing practice led by a 14 year old yogi. This one is a little more advanced.
Includes a short savasana at the end

A rainbow practice to brighten your day! :)
Includes a short child's pose relaxation at the end
Approximately 17 minutes

An energizing, 20 minute practice to get your blood flowing and body moving

Yoga for Tweens and Early Teens (and parents too)

A nice, little more advanced, 30 minute practice.
Includes a short savasana at the end.

A simple 16 minute practice

A fun, silly practice using animal poses
Approximately 17 minutes

Great introductory yoga session

Approximately 28 minutes

A 16 minute practice that includes deep stretches to create space in your body and mind.
Please do no push your body to the point where it hurts. Gently hold the poses to where you are comfortable...the more you practice, the deeper you can get into the poses and the more flexible you will gain.

A 45 minute practice to get stretching to gain flexibility, get the body moving, and work out some things you're holding onto today.
Includes a very short savasana at the end.