Human Biology 11 Course Outline

Human Biology 11- Citadel High

 Ms. D. Holmes


Welcome to Human Biology 11. 

This course is designed to introduce you to the study of human biology.  To introduce you to how our bodies are built, as well as how they function.  As you add to your personal data base, we hope that you will be able to make informed and well-reasoned decisions that will lead to healthful living.


UNITS:  Course Content                    (subject to change):

 Unit 1- Introduction

Unit 2- Addiction Unit

Unit 3-Living with your Digestive System

Unit 4- Healthy Lungs- Healthy Breathing

Unit 5-Circulatory System

Unit 6- The Remaining Systems:

-The Excretory System

-The Skeletal and Muscular Systems


Student Involvement:  Throughout the semester students will be involved in many types of experiences: working  cooperatively in small groups and individually to complete hands-on activities, group projects and presentations, individual assessments and group assessments, as well as self evaluations and peer evaluations, expressing feelings and opinions through a variety of media, to name a few.  I will need your input as well!

Overall Course Assessment:  will include projects, assignments, labs, presentations, quizzes, tests, participation, written and response journals.

 *****ATTENDANCE is an essential part of this course.  Since a sizable portion of the course involves lab work and cooperative learning…attendance and participation are critical to your success.  But if you cannot attend, be sure to go onto the Google Classroom and you can complete the daily work.

 If you are absent from class for whatever reason you are still responsible for the work that was covered in that class.  You need to check with a classmate or check the teacher's webpage and Google Classroom to see what was missed.  It is your responsibility to get caught up.