School Code of Conduct

In addition to the Provincial Code of Conduct, the following school standards must be adhered to by the entire school community. These standards are built upon the virtues of respect for self, others, learning and the environment. Clear expectations will be set out for students each September and reinforced throughout the school year. Failure to abide by these standards can lead to detention, suspension and even expulsion. 

Technology will be used appropriately and for educational purposes only. No one has the right to videotape, record or take pictures of another nor do they have the right to share such information without the individual’s/parent(s) and or legal guardian(s) permission. Staff at Baddeck Academy do not give such consent. Nobody has the right to videotape or record any other member during a meeting, in school/class, phone conversation.

Cell phone use in the school is only permitted in designated areas or for instructional purposes and only under the supervision of a teacher/staff member. 

Students must be on time and present for all classes. For students in High School chronic lateness (without good reason)  will result in conversations with administration (3), detention (5), in school suspension (7) and out of school suspension (8). 

Communication in any form, whether it is verbal,  non verbal, insinuated, and/or written that infringes upon the rights of others will not be tolerated. This includes vulgarity, and promotion of illicit and/or illegal substances or materials. 

Illegal and illicit materials are not permitted on the school grounds.

Vaping for example: At the beginning of each school  year students will go over the code of conduct and address the section on smoking/vaping. This will be considered their warning. 

First time - 1 day out of school suspension

Second Time - 3 day out of school suspension

Third Time - 5 days out of school suspension 

Fourth Time - 10 days out of school suspension

RCMP can issue a fine up to 500 dollars and they will be contacted

Respect for all physical boundaries of the school properties, both inside and outside the premises.

Each grade level band must stay within their zones both inside and outside of the school. Elementary in the elementary section. Middle school in middle school section, High school in high school section.

Plagiarism or cheating on assessments will result in a mark of 0.

Lockers and bags may be searched by the administration for the safety and security of all. 

High School students may go up town during their lunch time when given permission in writing by parent(s)/ guardian(s). Families and students need to realize this is a privilege and administration has the right to revoke this privilege if students are not behaving in accordance with the code of conduct or school rules. 

Students are prepared to be outside for the duration of recess and lunch times - wearing appropriate protective clothing for the weather, and are not to be coming in and out of the building unnecessarily (as they are unsupervised). 

Elementary and Middle school students have designated areas for play during recess and lunch times. Students are not permitted to be past the back Grade 4 door area

All teachers will reinforce code of conduct and school rules in an age appropriate way. For example: What Counts.

Sports - No practices and games will be held during the week of examinations. Players who are off sick or serving a detention or suspension will not be permitted to participate on those days. This applies to both practices and games.

All student in order to be a full time student in Nova Scotia you MUST be enrolled in at least 3 courses each semester. 

The drop date for any course will be 3 week after the start of the semester. There will be no dropping courses after that date unless there are special expectations that are agreed to with school administration.