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PK-8 Showcase

Welcome to our showcase page!

Here we will feature grade-specific information, photos, and projects that we are proud of.

Don't forget to check back as we will be updating throughout the year!

PK students already started thinking about their futures during College Access for All week!

Poster that says Future Class of 2037 with PK students handprints on it

KINDERGARTEN: We teamed up with 5th grade "Buddy Classes" to read the book Enemy Pie and work together to make our own enemy pies.

5th grade and Kinder kids in buddy group

Project-Based Learning

1ST GRADE: Helping an Animal in Need

Students in first grade hosted their second annual Animal-Free Circus fundraiser in order to raise money for their adopted elephant, Kiombo. Kiombo lives at the Sheldrick Wildlife Trust in Kenya, Africa. First graders launched their unit with a viewing of the newest version of Dumbo. 

Students watching Dumbo in the auditorium
First graders pose in the hallway with a rep from Sheldrick Wildlife Trust
First graders showing their movie passes for Dumbo
A visitor from Sheldrick Wildlife talks to first graders about the organization.


Together with our partnership, The Center for Architecture, fourth graders created 3D models of various Native American dwellings and villages using mostly raw materials.  Here is a picture of presentation day and the younger grades that were invited to view the "gallery"!

Fourth grade project presentation in cafeteria

5TH GRADE: After 5th grade finished reading Wonder, they watched the movie (movie theater-style) to compare/contrast details.  They then created "school fight songs" using our mission statement and "yearbooks" as a way of presenting PSAs on diversity and inclusiveness."

5th grade students sharing project covers
the movie Wonder about to play on screen
students working on project together
students working on movie trailer together

Our 6th and 7th grade ELA teacher, Ms Shmuel, was recognized and interviewed by our international partner organization, Reach the World!

6TH GRADE: Ms Shmuel wanted to create a more Welcoming and Affirming Environment in her classroom, using the new mythology unit of study.  Students are reading the book The Lightning Thief.

students posing by greek statue
6th grade class posing by roman architecture

ART: Our art teacher, Mrs Ganiaris, was featured by, an artist platform that showcases various artists and themes:

screenshot of shout out to art teacher on an online artist platform

Photos of our Art Studio with Mrs Ganairis:

students working in art studio
students creating in art studio
student showing work in art studio