Old News 

Aug 21 to Jun 22  

Latest News

22/6/22 - pupils from Balnain and Glen Urquhart Primary Schools joined together to compete in the Tulloch Cup yesterday, all top teams from areas in Scotland competed and our squad made the final, just beaten by Newtonmore.

Big congratulations to all the players and coaches for a fantastic day.

10/6/22 - Update regarding Universal Free School Meals


The provision of Universal Free School Meals to Primary 6 and 7 pupils originally to be rolled out in August 2022 has been put on hold by the Scottish Government. The decision was made mainly due to the significant amount of capital funding and works required across a number of Scottish Authorities to enable this final phase to be implemented.


You will be informed as further updates are received from the Scottish Government.

24/5/22 - Gaming Information Session


Following our previous Parent Online Safety Information Session with Robert Quigley, parents have indicated that they would be interested in a follow up session, to focus specifically on Gaming. We understand that many families would be keen to hear more about this subject and how to support their children to enjoy Gaming safely.

Mr Quigley has kindly offered to deliver another virtual session for us on Monday 6th June.

Please see the Meet details below.


Balnain Gaming Information Session

Monday, 6 June · 7:00 – 8:00pm

Google Meet joining info

Video call link: https://meet.google.com/qiq-nbeq-wmd


All parents and carers are warmly invited to join us.



Dear Parents and Carers,


Thank you to those families who were able to join us for the online safety information session last night. We hope that you found it very helpful and informative.

We have received some apologies from families who were unable to attend due to other commitments.

Unfortunately the session was not recorded but Robert has given us a link to a very useful site, ‘Highland Online Safety Centre’ which has a useful section for parents.



We have had some very positive feedback from last night’s session and Robert has offered to arrange another presentation for us to focus specifically on Gaming.

There seems to be quite a bit of interest in this so I will be in contact with Robert to arrange another information event later this term.


We are also looking forward to the class workshops next Monday afternoon which we hope the pupils will enjoy.


Kind regards,


Mrs MacLeod

17/5/22 - Internet Safety Awareness

At the event information was given on the Safer Schools app that we have signed up to. This is a way in which children and their families can access up-to-date age appropriate guidance on staying safe both on and offline. The app can be downloaded on android and apple through searching ‘Safer Schools’ in the app store. Then select ‘Balnain Primary’ from the dropdown menu and enter the code 7440

 The letter below provides more details along with PDFs of the Safer School Parent Presentation and Key Links to Resources to Support Young People Stay Safe Online.

Online Safety Links.pdf
Letter to Parents and Carers from Jason Leitch National Clinical Director - April 2022.pdf

19/4/22 - Welcome Back, I hope you all had an enjoyable Easter Break.

Please find the most up to date Risk Assessment following the change in Covid requirements from Monday 18/4/22.

Updated Risk Assessment Balnain Primary School COVID Phase 4 15.4.22.docx

31/3/22 - please find the new Spring Summer 2022 lunch menu which starts after the Easter Break 

30/3/22 - Our donation of £126 has been paid to DEC and will help provide aid to people fleeing the conflict in Ukraine.  Thank you all again for your generous support at our Bake Sale.

29/3/22 - please find details of a day of music making and activities in the Easter Holidays (Friday 8th April) for children aged 5 and up organised by Fèis a Bhaile which will be held in Balloch Baptist Church Hall.


We will have classes in fiddle, accordion, whistle, song, ukulele, keyboard, art and group work for those aged 8+, and for younger children aged 5-7 we have our Fèis Bheag with lots of fun games and activities.  No experience is required and instruments are provided.

22/3/22 - It feels like Spring has finally arrived at Balnain Primary and the bulbs planted in our Gardening Club at the start of the school year are now in flower.  


10/2/22 - Change of School Lunch Menu - Thursday 24 Feb 

We have been advised that the menu for the above date only will change from Roast Beef to Beef or Venison Burger served with Potato Wedges.

10/1/22 - please find our most recent Risk Assessment

10-1-22 Updated Risk Assessment Balnain Primary School COVID Phase 4 5.1.22.pdf

20/12/21 - Thank you for all of your very generous donations, we raised £37.85.

16/12/21 - Our Rights Respecting School Silver Banner has arrived and is now proudly on display.

15/12/21 - Please find an update below from Highland Council Catering Services:


As you may be aware last year the Scottish Government announced a commitment to provide Free School Meals for all Primary age children to be delivered in a phased approach by August 2022. From August 2021, the universal provision of free school meals for all children in P1-P3 was extended to include P4 children, this will extend to P5 as from January 2022 when pupils return from the Christmas break.


The current school menu is on our website and when we return from the Christmas Break we will be using the Week 1 menu, but for that week only the dish on Thursday will Fish & Chips rather than Chicken Curry.

13/12/21 - Please find an update from The Highland Council with regard to the change in Isolation Guidance in relation to the Omicron variant of Covid 19.

21 12 09 Parent Letter.pdf

7/12/21 - Further to the letters sent home last week regarding the formalisation of the Catchment Area for Gaelic Medium provision at Glenurquhart Primary School please find the Teams link below for the Public Meeting taking place this Wednesday at 6.30-8pm.


2/12/21 - Dates for your Diary

We have just been advised that the Christmas Lunch this year will be served on Thursday 16 December the cost for P5-7 pupils is £2.30, if you could please send in payment for this on Monday 13 December.  Gluten Free and Vegetarian options are available   


Also the Highland Council have agreed an additional public holiday on Friday 3 June 2022 to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, all schools will be closed in the Highlands to support the celebrations.

1/12/21 - Scottish Curling Initiative try curling taster sessions

Scottish Curling are trying to promote and encourage young people to come into the sport, as a result they are running Try Curling Sessions at Inverness Ice Centre for you to come along and have a go.  Full details can be found at: https://inverness-ice-centre.co.uk/try-curling/ 

22/11/21 - Thank you for all of your very generous donations, we raised £43.00.

16/11/21 - Please find the Class Learning Overviews for Term 2

Learning Overview P2-4 T2.pdf
P5-7 Learning Overview Term 2.pdf

10/11/21 - sending on behalf of Soirbheas.  The Heritage Group warmly invite you to a site visit this Saturday (13 November) from 1.30pm to celebrate the completion of the restoration works at Cnocan Burraidh. 

Any children attending should be accompanied by an adult and I’ve attached a copy of the flier for your information.

9/11/21 - Last week the school took part in Sumdog's Highland Maths Contest, we were the daily winner on Wednesday and received this Certificate.

Sumdog Certificate 11-21.pdf

8/11/21 - Please find this terms timetable of activities for reference

3-11-21 - Request from HLH Sport & Leisure for Volunteers

Dear Parent/Guardian,


I am emailing both to introduce myself to those who may not know me and to appeal for volunteers. My name is Storm Fraser and I am the local active schools coordinator for the Great Glen covering the area from Cannich all along the Glen to Invergarry. My role is to get more children, more active, more often through recruiting, retaining and developing a network of volunteers within the local community. The overall aim is to recruit volunteers so we can create more opportunities for children and young people to participate in sport in their local community. By using local volunteers it is hoped these sessions will become long term sustainable.


During conversations with parents it is clear that there is a want for primary football in the village which I am keen to provide, however to be able to do so we require volunteers within the community. Volunteers can be parents, grandparents, aunties/uncles or anyone really in the community who would like to volunteer and help with football sessions.


Roles we require are;


Ideally the lead coach would have some football knowledge/experience but this is not a requirement for assistant coaches or helpers. If you wish to enhance your football coaching knowledge High Life Highland can fund you through coaching courses. The more volunteers we get coming forward the more sustainable this activity will be and this can lead to a coaching rota so that you are not required to coach every week.


The day/time providing we get volunteers will be Thursdays 6:30-8:00pm at the Craigmonie Centre on either the astro or the games hall, weather dependent. We plan to initially run sessions from 11th November – 16th December 2021. The more volunteers we get the more spaces we can open to children.


If you are interested in volunteering please complete the attached volunteer application form and email me asap at Storm.Fraser@highlifehighland.com  along with the name of your child, their age and class.


Thank you for taking the time to read this and I really hope to hear from you soon,

Storm 😊


Storm Fraser

Active Schools Coordinator (Great Glen)

High Life Highland

Glen Urquhart High School



IV63 6XA

T: 01456 459227 or 07387 234112

E: Storm.Fraser@highlifehighland.com

Volunteer Application Form availability (4) (2).doc

1/11/21 - We have been advised of a permanent change to the main dish on the Wednesday, Week 2 Menu.  It is changing from Chicken Pasta Bake to Macaroni Cheese & Garlic Bread.

28/10/21 - The Parent Council are organising a Spooky Pumpkin Trail in the Balnain Playpark, if you have any questions then please contact a member of the Parent Council direct.

25/10/21 - We have updated our Service Improvement Plan, please take a few minutes to read it, it is located within the 'For Parents', Service Improvement Plan tab  

25/10/21 - Please find details of the Balnain Primary Parent Council Halloween Party taking place this Saturday

7/10/21 - School Lunches

The lunch menu is not changing next term and on our return to school on the 25/10 the menu will be Week 1 options starting with Pizza on the Monday.

4/10/21 - A Halloween Party will go ahead for the children run by the Community Council with fancy dress and lots of fun in Drumnadrochit Public Hall on Friday 29th October.  Further details and a poster will follow.  P1-P3 6pm - 7pm and P4, 5, 6 & P7 7.30pm - 8.30pm.  

30/9/021 - Have you heard about Buggy Walks?

They are a free, fun way for mums, dads, grandparents, and carers to meet new people, chat and share experiences on a safe and welcoming walk, led by a trained walk leader. Soirbheas supported by Partnership for Wellbeing are keen to gauge the level of interest for a Buggy Walk in Glen Urquhart for babies and toddlers. Any questions please get in touch. If you would be interested in these taster sessions please take a moment to complete our survey, click on this link https://forms.office.com/r/eVRZhZVw7Z 


Nicky MacLennan

Soirbheas Assistant Community Development Officer

30/9/21 - We have received confirmation that the Flu Vaccinations will take place Wednesday 6 October.

28/9/21 - We are so delighted to achieve our Silver Rights Respecting Schools Award today!  Have a look on our Rights Respecting Schools Award page of our website for full details.

28/9/21 - Please find details of the Ross County October holiday training sessions.


You can book a space direct via: https://store.rosscountyfootballclub.co.uk/community-courses

23/9/21 - Further to the Internet Safety Meeting, please find instructions of how to add Parental Controls to both Android and iPhone devices

22/9/21 - Fèis a’ Bhaile is a jam packed week of traditional music and activities which this year is being held at Balloch Baptist Church, Inverness.  We will have classes in fiddle, accordion, whistle, song, guitar, art and group work for those aged 8+, and for younger children aged 5-7 we have our Fèis Bheag with lots of fun activities which will run for mornings only.  No experience is required and instruments can be provided.


For more information please see our website (https://www.feisabhaile.com) or email feisabhaile@feisean.org


16/9/21 - Please find a letter to Parents and Carers from Jason Leitch 


31/8/21 - Useful information for parents and families about Covid symptoms and testing


ParentClub is aimed at parents but explains how covid and testing can be explained to children, helpful links:


YoungScot is primarily aimed at young people. Helpful links:

Safer Schools Parents Event – Monday 30th August 2021. 6pm


Over the past two years we have seen our daily use of ICT and the internet grow. We are delighted to be working with our ICT professional team at Highland council to bring you this session on Online Safety and Safer Schools. Robert Quigley will take you through how to use the internet wisely and take you through the new Safer School app which helps entire school communities to better protect themselves in the Digital World, through delivering contemporary and relevant safeguarding information to teachers, pupils, parents and carers.


This event will be held via Google Meet (details below) and starts at 6pm.


Safer Schools Parents Evening

Monday, 30 August · 6:00 – 7:00pm

Google Meet joining info

Video call link: https://meet.google.com/yxd-owyr-iqb

19/8/21 - please find the updated Risk Assessment following our return to school.

Updated Risk Assessment Balnain Primary School COVID Phase 4 16-8-21.pdf

18/8/21 - Please find details of how to enrol your child for Music Tuition as part of the Highlife Highland Scheme and have a look at a short video which shows the range of instruments available.



HLH Flyer.pdf

16/8/21 - Please find below the latest Coronavirus (COVID-19): guidance on reducing the risks in schools - gov.scot

Children and young people U18 (0-17 years old) who are close contacts

NHS guidance on self-isolation of children and young people aged U18 (0-17) will be updated from 9th August. The previous blanket requirement for close contacts aged 0-17 years old to self-isolate for 10 days will be removed from that date. This decision has been taken after careful consideration of the data and evidence around the risks of infection and transmission in this age group, and the evolving risk environment in schools and wider society. It has been informed by the advice of the Advisory Sub-Group on Education and Children’s issues, and the expert views of senior clinicians. The Scottish Government expects that this updated policy, while applicable in settings wider than just the school environment, will contribute significantly to educational continuity for children and young people.

To support risk mitigation around this change of policy, the same testing arrangements as for fully vaccinated adults will apply.

From 9th August, U18s who are identified by Test and Protect as close contacts of positive cases should:

self-isolate immediately and book a PCR test. They should continue to self-isolate while awaiting their results

if the test is positive, they should continue to self-isolate in line with NHS guidance. This states that they should remain at home and should not go to work, school, public areas or use public transport. They should not go out to buy food or other essentials

if they need support, and cannot get this from friends or family, the National Assistance Helpline is there to help and can be reached on 0800 111 4000

if the test is negative, and the child or young person remains without symptoms, they may end self-isolation and resume their daily lives (including returning to school), even if they have ongoing contact with the index case (e.g. a household member)

close contacts should remain vigilant and if symptoms newly develop at any time, they must follow NHS guidance and self-isolate immediately

if an under 18 close contact has had a positive PCR test in the last 90 days, they do not need to do another PCR test to be exempt from self-isolation provided they remain asymptomatic

16/8/21 - Coming Up

Our Pines support sessions are open to all involved in the care of children, young people and families in the Highlands. The sessions are run in partnership with the National Autistic Society Scotland and the Pines (Highland neurodevelopmental service), with guest speakers from across Highland and beyond sharing their expertise.

If you'd prefer to speak to someone on a one-to-one basis we can be contacted by phone on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays between 9:30-12:30 and 13:00-16:00 on 07514 120288 or you can email us. 

2/08/21 - Free school meals 

From August 2021, the universal provision of free school meals for all children in P1-P3 will be extended to include P4 children.
