School Activities from Aug 20 to Jun 22 

1/06/22 Queen's Platinum Jubilee - 'Plant A Tree For The Jubilee'

Today we planted an oak tree sapling in our school grounds to mark the occasion of the Queen's Platinum Jubliee. We asked our youngest pupil, Annick, and our eldest pupil, Aodhan, to help plant it.

We also enjoyed some tasty treats underneath our beautiful summer bunting!

On Saturday 28th May, we entered our school team into the South Highland Schools Athletic Association Inter-school Sports competition. This is a huge sporting event which takes place at Bught Park in Inverness.

We entered the Small Schools’ section and competed against:

Teanassie Primary School, with a roll of 53 pupils, Farr Primary School, with a roll of 75 pupils, Croy Primary School, with a roll of 77 pupil, Tomnacross Primary, with a roll of 97 pupils… and there was us, Balnain Primary School, with 22 pupils.

Well, our pupils did us proud!!!

We may be small, but we are mighty! And we know that good things come in small packages!

There were a number of events throughout the day and here’s how they got on:

 Long Jump:          Glenn received a Silver medal

                      Gemma received a Silver medal

Shot Putt:       Emily gained Silver

                      Glenn gained Gold

Running 600m:     Gemma received a Bronze medal

Running 150m:     Maribel received a Bronze medal

Running 200m:     Hudson received a Bronze medal

Running 80m:       Glenn got Gold

                      Emily got Gold

Relay Team:        Hudson, Emily, Maribel and Glenn got Gold!

Not only did our wee team get 12 medals between them, but they also went on to win the overall Small School section with 44 points and were presented with The Murray Challenge Shield! The last time our school won this shield was in 2010.

29/3/22 - Everyone thoroughly enjoyed our bake sale treats and we were absolutely delighted to raise £125.50 for DEC. What an amazing amount! Thank you to our staff and to the pupils and families who donated baking for the event and to everyone for the generous donations of money to this appeal. Well done Team Balnain! 

29/3/22 - We were so impressed with all the designs for the Egg decorating competition! What wonderful ideas, well done everyone! Congratulations to the winning entries:

Lola - Rainbow Bunny

Ailsa - Bob the Viking

Lucy - Sparkle the Unicorn

Maisie - Chef Gordon Eggsay

Euan - The Jacobites Battle of Eggoden

Gemma - Eggsalent Eggquarium 

22/12/21 - Party Time!

It was great to see everyone enjoy themselves at our Christmas Party. We had an indoor snowball fight to warm us up before the party games.

16/12/21 - The whole school enjoyed our Christmas Lunch

School Pond

Our school pond is looking healthy...we recently found a newt and a frog in it! Thanks to our team of parent helpers who have created stations to make it more accessible and safe for us to do some pond-dipping. We are looking forward to using it more in the spring time. 

1/10/21 - As part of National Recycle Week, we had a Ready, Steady, Recycle Challenge in school. We asked pupils to reuse items that would normally be recycled to make something new. We were amazed with all the creativity involved and the variety of ideas! A huge well done to everyone for their wonderful designs and a special well done to the winners chosen from each class.

Mud Kitchen: We were delighted to receive our new mud kitchen from MuddyNess Kitchens. P2-4 pupils helped to come up with suggestions for their new mud kitchen and MuddyNess created a perfect design for them! Looking forward to trying out all the new recipes now...

Gardening Club

We all had a busy afternoon recently, tidying up the school garden and planting Spring bulbs.

A huge thanks to our helpers Alison MacFie, Barbara Girvan and Brigitte Savignac.

16/08/21 Goals Repaired

Many thanks to Iain and Lucas for kindly repairing our goals so that they are ready for all the action in the new football season! You've done a great job, thank you!

15/07/21 Bird Box Update

When we checked our bird box today, we could see that there were just two chicks left in the nest. They had grown a lot since last week and they looked as if they were almost ready to leave and make their way into the world outside! Soon there will be an empty nest. It is highly likely that the other chicks have already fledged the nest. One of the chicks was perched at the entrance hole of the bird box and was looking outside...possibly plucking up the courage to take flight for the first time! Good luck little fledglings! 


8/07/21 Bird Box Update

Our pupils are on their summer holidays now but we wanted to share the news that we have chicks in our bird box! After our late spring this year, we had been watching the nest building process and eagerly awaiting to see if the birds would lay any eggs. Today, we could see 4 or 5 chicks being fed in their nest. How exciting! How many chicks can you see in the video clip?


Summer Fun Day

Our P7 pupils helped to plan and organise an end of term summer fun day for the whole school. 

And what fun it was! We enjoyed a water slide, water games, a bouncy slide, bubbles and more...

Thanks to our Parent Council for providing fruit for our tasty fruit kebabs! 

What a great way to end the school year! Happy holidays everyone!

Sports Day

Thanks to Mrs Fraser, our PE teacher from Glen Urquhart High School, for organising our Sports Day. We enjoyed completing potted sports activities in our groups before we had some traditional races. Well done to everybody!

Thanks to our Parent Council and our local Scotmid for providing some well-earned refreshments!

Summer Picnic

We enjoyed eating our packed lunch picnics outside today and Phyllis kindly provided a fish n chips take away for those wanting school dinners. Delicious!

Special Little Visitor...

As part of our health and well-being programme, the children have all been learning about the stages of the human life-cycle. Today, we welcomed a very special little visitor to Gregor and his mum, Chloe. Gregor is 11 months old and he enjoyed meeting everybody at school today! We learned more about what babies can do at this stage and how to care for them. Chloe was very impressed with how kind, gentle and caring our pupils were with Gregor today. Well done everyone!

Easter Egg Hunt

We all enjoyed our traditional easter egg hunt in the school grounds today!

31/3/21 - Easter Egg Decorating Competition

We decorated our eggs, ahead of our annual competition on the last day of term.

The winners were:

P1-4: Hudson, Lucy and Alexa

P5-7: Christopher, Daisy and Maisie

Well done to everyone for your wonderful designs!

Thursday 17th December

An exciting day for everyone as we enjoyed our school Christmas Lunch today and our class parties.


Friday 11 December

Today was Save the Children's Christmas Jumper Day ... the excitement is building!!

It was great to see all the children take part and they raised £49.50 for this excellent Charity.

28/9/20 - Even though it is only September we all started to think about Christmas this week as we designed our Christmas Cards.  The cards are fantastic.

As the Parents were not able to come into the school to view their artwork emailed copies were sent home.

On Wednesday 23 September the whole school went on their first walk of the year into Balnain Woods and we enjoyed looking for signs of Autumn. Loch Meikle looked stunning in the Autumn sunshine. This year we are planning to make this a regular event by exploring the woods in all seasons and weather.