Classroom Info

Daily Schedule


Circle Time


Snack and Free Choice

Reader's Workshop

Writer's Workshop



Rest Time


Social Studies/Science

Math Workstations

Snack and Free Choice



  • Students will have the opportunity to eat snack in the morning and the afternoon.

  • Please send two healthy snacks, packed separately from their lunchbox.

  • Please send your child with a labeled, reusable water bottle. Water is only permitted in our classroom, but other drinks are acceptable in the cafeteria.

Home to School Folder

  • On the first day of school, your child will be given a Home to School Folder that will be used to send homework and notices to and from school.

  • Please remove and review papers and notes in this folder, daily.

  • Please put any notes you have for us in this folder, as we review it first thing every morning.

Transportation Changes

  • Whenever there is a change in how your child goes home, via a new bus, or another designated adult picks up your child, a note is necessary.

  • Written notification of any change from regular transportation arrangements is REQUIRED by our school policy in order to keep your child safe.


  • On your child's birthday, he or she will be the star of the day! We will celebrate your child's birthday with a special song.

  • We ask that you refrain from sending in a special snack this year.

Suggestions for Supporting your Child

How Can I Help My Child Develop His/Her Literacy Skills?

  • Read and talk about books with your child.

  • Locate title and discuss the parts of a book.

  • Identify the author and illustrator and discuss their role.

  • Take a picture walk prior to reading. Have your child make predictions before and during reading and evaluate predictions at the end of the story.

  • Change your voice for character roles—have fun!

  • Check for comprehension by asking questions as your read.

  • Have your child locate sight words in the story.

  • Have your child retell the story in his or her own words; change the ending to the story.

  • Play with sounds and words.

  • Play games to promote phonological awareness (ability to notice and play with sounds).

  • Read or say familiar nursery rhymes together.

  • Sing songs that contain rhymes.

  • Read rhyming books (omit the rhyming word and have your child respond with one).

  • Make or practice alliterations (Wacky Wanda walked to the wild west).

  • Clap the syllables of words.

How Can I Help My Child Develop His/Her Math Skills?

  • Practice counting together by ones and tens (for a challenge try fives ).

  • Practice counting on from different numbers.

  • Practice writing and identifying numbers.

  • Play board games that reinforce and practice math skills.

  • Look for 2D and 3D shapes in your home and outside.