18 - Kievan Rus' & Russia


You will be creating a game that everyone in the class can play at the same time. Make sure twenty people can play or at least 10 groups of two. Your game will consist of showing the history and significance of the Kievan Rus' & the Rise of Russia. 

Things to Include:

Slav People


Grand Prince

Religion (Christianity - Orthodox)


Byzantine Empire




Dmitry Donskoy

Basil "The Cross-Eyed"

Basil II "The Blind"

Ivan III or Ivan the Great

Ivan IV or Ivan the Terrible


14  of the Things to Include (1/2 point for each one)

Details - has rules, objectives, well thought out and people can play it without you there (1 point) 

Play-ability - game flows and moves along with little down time for players (1 point) 

Quality - no mistakes and the game is presentable to the class (1 point) 

Total: 10 Points