2/3 Language Arts

Worksheets can be printed or picked up at the school.

Daily reading * Wordwork * Writing Lesson * Novel Study * Optional Vocabulary

Daily Home Reading

Daily reading of 20 minutes+ a day.

Daily reading includes reading to self, reading to someone or listening to reading. This may include: Books your child has at home or click on the pictures/bars to link you to books online.

Class Code: tpm4000

teacher login: korilee.farmer

password: what

Read Works classcode: TTPDRF

Username: firstname.lastname@ghsd75.caPW: bug (grade 3) cat (grade 2)

After you have finished a book, do an AR test!

June 1 - June 5

Reader's Theater

Practice your part for The Recess Queen reader's theater.

Parts were assigned on June 1 at our Google Meet. They will be posted below. There is a PRACTICE at 11: 15 on Thursday.

** We will perform at June 8th Google Meet. I will record the performance and email it to you! **

The Recess Queen - PARTS

Word Work - Due June 5

Do the spelling test on www.spellingcity.com if you didn't do it last week. Take your time and do your best! It is an assessment test to see where you are at in spelling. Please complete by June 5th!

username: firstname.lastname password: what

Writing - Due June 11

  1. We will brainstorm ideas for a story about the picture below at our Google Meet. There are some example plans below.

  2. Write a story plan in your writing journal or on a paper.

  3. Write a story. It should have a great beginning, description, a stretched out middle with lots of action and description and an ending that wraps it up. Do your best on spelling! There are sentence starters and red flag words below that you can use.

  4. Read it over on your own and edit. Check to make sure it makes sense and you have capitals and periods.

  5. Take a picture or scan and send it to Mrs. Farmer. I can't wait to read them!

safari with zebra.pdf
safari with zebra planning page 2.pdf
safari with zebra planning page.pdf
Sentence Starters:

Sentence Starters


Red Flag Words

Microsoft Word - story checklist.pdf

Story Checklist

Novel Study (Ramona Quimby)

You should be finished the book.

  1. Complete the Character Study (write on the page or glue into your pink reading journal)

  2. Complete the Book Recommendation (SEND TO MRS FARMER)

**Please return the book back the school by June 17th (Grade 2 or 3 drop off bin)**

Ramona Quimby Age 8- new.pdf
Ramona Quimby Age 8- new.pdf

Daily Vocabulary (optional)

OPTIONAL: Daily Article of the Day on readworks.org.

What is article a day?

Microsoft Word - Quick Start Guide - Google Classroom.docx.pdf

How do I do it?


firstname.lastname@ghsd75.caGrade 2 (cat) Grade 3 (bug)CLASS CODE: nxnrz4v

You can also access it from


firstname.lastname@ghsd75.caGrade 2 (cat) Grade 3 (bug)classcode: TTPDRF