2/3 Language Arts

Worksheets can be printed or picked up at the school. You could also read online and answer on paper or in your pink reading journal!

Daily reading * Daily Wordwork * Writing Lessons and Activities * Optional Vocabulary

Week of April 20-24

Daily Reading

Daily reading of 20 minutes+ a day.

Daily reading includes reading to self, reading to someone or listening to reading. This may include:

Books your child has at home or click on the pictures below to link you to books online.

Epic Books

Class Code: tpm4000

Scholastic at Home

Read Works

classcode: TTPDRF

Username: firstname.lastname@ghsd75.caPW: bug (grade 3)cat (grade 2)


After you have finished a book, do an AR test!

Daily Word Work

Ways to Practice Word Work

  1. Cut out your words and do a sort. The new words are in your child's word work folder. The video explains word sorts.

  2. Rainbow write your words in your word work scribbler. (write them in 3 different colors)

  3. Illustrate some of the words to show what they mean.

  4. Practice using some of the games or pretest on spelling city. (blue bar will link you below). Student name: firstname.lastname password: what

*Words will change every 2 weeks. I will let you know when you can glue in the sorted words and when to do the spelling test (online). *

Red Group: Sort 23

Black Group: Sort 6

Purple Group: Sort 45

Yellow Group: Sort 16


1. Watch the video for a lesson on suspense writing.

1b. Watch the video for an overview of the worksheet.

1c. Do the Find the Suspense worksheet on your own. You can pick it up at school or print from the website.

Introduction to suspense.mp4

1a. Video lesson by Mrs. Farmer.

Find the Suspense worksheet.mp4

1b. Video overview of the worksheet by Mrs. Farmer.

Find the Suspense worksheet.pdf

1c. Worksheet for printing.

2. Watch the video for a lesson on word referents.

2b. Watch the video for an overview of the worksheet.

2c. Do the Word Referent worksheet. Do as many word referents as you can. You can pick it up at school, print from the website or just writing them down in your writing journal!

2d. Write your best word referent on the Word Referent padlet.

2. Video lesson on word referents.

Word Referent worksheet.mp4

2b. Overview of worksheet by Mrs. Farmer


2c. Worksheet for printing.

****Just print page 1! ****

2d. Word Referent Padlet.

Type your favourite word referent on this padlet.

Don't forget to put your name!

3. Watch the video example by Mrs. Farmer

3b. Write your guess on your OWN padlet. It is in your Google Classroom account. Mrs. Farmer will write back to you!

3c. Now pick an animal or object and write 5 - 15 sentences using word referents and questions to keep me guessing what your "thing" is. You can use your blue writing journal to write it in. Send it to Mrs. Farmer(photo, email or type into your Google Classroom padlet). I can't wait to read them!

Suspense assignment (word referent and questions).mp4

3. Example by Mrs. Farmer

Sentence Starters:

Sentence starters to use for your suspense writing.

Daily Vocabulary (optional)

OPTIONAL: Daily Article of the Day on readworks.org.

What is article a day?

Microsoft Word - Quick Start Guide - Google Classroom.docx.pdf

How do I do it?


firstname.lastname@ghsd75.caGrade 2 (cat) Grade 3 (bug)CLASS CODE: nxnrz4v

You can also access it from


firstname.lastname@ghsd75.caGrade 2 (cat) Grade 3 (bug)classcode: TTPDRF

Need Something Else To Do:

Extra Work Grade 2

Do some pages in your sentences booklet.

Extra Work Grade 3

Do some letters in your cursive writing duotang.