Health and Nutrition 

for Skiers

Fuel & Hydrate Your Body

Skiers burn a lot of calories and sweat profusely no matter the workout or weather conditions. Our focus on nutrition as a middle school ski team is learning the basics of proper hydration and fueling for cross-country skiing. 


Even when it's really cold, if you're moving, you're sweating and your body is losing fluids. It's important to drink water throughout the school day instead of trying to chug a bottle of water right before practice. Bring a filled water bottle or drink belt to practice. 

You know you're getting enough water if you rarely feel thirsty and your urine is light yellow or straw-colored. If your urine is clear, that's a sign you drank too much water, which is rare, but possible. 


You need enough calories to ski, so eating three meals, plus two snacks a day is important. 

Snack Ideas

You need to pack two snacks for track practices and races - a pre-workout snack and a snack for the ride home. 

Rest and Sleep

You need at least eight to nine hours of sleep a night.  Any reduction in sleep can drastically compromise your body's immune system. When it comes to preparing for a race, it is two nights before that your body needs solid sleep.  For example, if you have a race on a Wednesday, Monday night's sleep is even more important than Tuesday night's sleep. 

Even though you're only skiing with the TCGIS team two to three days a week, many of you are multi-sport athletes. It's important to have at least one day a week of rest in which you're refraining from physical activity equal or greater than an average practice workout.