Noelle Walker

Noelle Walker is a double major in Writing & Linguistics and English with a minor in multimedia journalism. She is an aspiring novelist and a proud member of Southern Pride Color Guard. She is also the current Editor-in-Chief of The George-Anne Reflector Magazine and Miscellany Magazine of the Arts. She loves to read, and when other people’s words aren’t filling her head, she writes her own. Noelle’s story “When He Tells You” was the GS fiction nomination for the 2020 AWP Intro Journals Project.

"Ever since I can remember, I’ve had a book in hand. I loved reading other people’s stories so much that I decided to create my own. I discovered this at a young age, and I had notebooks filled with ideas and short stories as I grew up. In 8th grade, I wrote my first novel chapter and I just knew that this is what I was supposed to be doing with my life.

While writing has always been in my blood, I discovered who I was as a writer at Georgia Southern University. I want to write about things that matter, especially when it comes to matters of the heart. As a writer, it can be easy to get discouraged, but the creative writing courses at GS reminded me that I was right where I was supposed to be.

I am filled with so much gratitude for everyone who has supported my writing journey, including my family, peers, and professors. I am incredibly grateful to the department of writing & linguistics and the opportunities it provides. I’d also like to specifically thank Professor Sexton, my mentor in the writing department. He has taught me so much and has helped me instill a confidence in my own writing. One piece of his advice I will carry with me is that I need to write about the things that scare me––because that’s what matters.

I would also like to thank Dr. Edenfield from the Department of Literature who continuously supports me in all of my endeavors. Special shout-out to Burning Swamp as well for giving me the platform to share my writing in such a welcoming writing community."