Jonathan Baker

Jonathan Baker is a senior Writing and Linguistics Student. His work won the 2015 Brannen Award for Creative Writing in Fiction and has been selected and entered in the AWP Journals Project. He is a soon to be graduate of Georgia Southern University and hopes to attend any MFA program that will have him.

"The road to graduation has been difficult for me. I am very grateful to this department, specifically Professors Jared Sexton and Christina Olson for helping me through. I don’t have any grand sweeping words to describe or define the power of art, but I can say that I would not have been able to complete this milestone without the support of my writing community. They have been a constant reminder that what we are doing is vitally important. Our professors have made these opportunities available to us and my peers have read at the Burning Swamp events and shared their art with each other and anyone else who is willing to listen. I am so grateful for all of the beautiful art that these people have shared with me and for all of the things I have learned from all of you. Thank you so much, I wouldn’t be here without you. "