Comprehensive School Counseling Program

Comprehensive School Counseling Program (CSCP)

Benold Middle School's comprehensive school counseling program aims to empower students to succeed not only on an academic level, but also succeed in their future career and personal life. One of the primary roles of a professional school counselor is to foster the healthy development of every student in each of these three domains regardless of race, gender, age, and degree of disability. This occurs through evidence-based intervention methods implemented in classroom guidance activities, small group counseling, and individual responsive counseling to teach essential skills.

Our focus for the 2023-2024 school year is to strengthen relationships between individual students and their peers/teachers and empower social connections within the Benold Middle School community. 

We have aligned our CSCP with the Texas Model for Comprehensive School Counseling Programs. For more information about GISDs efforts to align with the Texas Model, please click here.