Excerpts from the No Labels

Youth Congress letter

Professor Mock,

...I wanted to reach out to you on behalf of No Labels, a national bipartisan non-profit, regarding a unique youth-oriented event that we thought George Fox University students might be interested in attending...

Throughout the past few months, No Labels has been virtually convening young people across the country (ages 16-35) to take part in a conversation with No Labels leadership and Members of Congress about the politics of problem solving and our generation's role as tomorrow's leaders... (T)his event promises to be an exciting opportunity for college students and young professionals across the country...

We’d like to invite young people (ages 16-35) to join the No Labels Youth Congress, in which members of our generation--Democrats, Republicans, and independents--will come together for a conversation on where our nation goes from here... (The) Youth Congress...will serve as an opportunity to hear from leading political figures (Dr. Bill Galston, Ron Christie, former and current Members of Congress, business leaders, etc.) as well as provide participants with professional development tools to build a career in civil service and politics!

(W)e have ... decided to turn No Labels Youth Congress into a year-long program that will meet once per quarter. We are currently accepting applications until January 15th. Upon completion of the program, participants will have their resumes entered into an exclusive resume bank to be circulated with members of Congress, non-profits, think tanks, and other prominent organizations for possible internship and job opportunities.

Would you kindly circulate the application to students in your department? https://www.nolabels.org/no-labels-youth-congress-call-for-applications-2/

We hope you can join us! RSVP here: https://www.nolabels.org/uni_nlyc

