What The Civility Project Did Summer of 2022

August:  The Civility Pledge Survey ResultsThe Civility Pledge Survey was not a scientific survey. There were about 25 responses at the Old Fashioned Festival booth.  Every respondent said they were either slightly or substantially more likely to vote for a candidate who has endorsed a civility pledge along the lines of the one that was being developed. 

August/September:  Writing the Civility Pledge

Taking into account the results from the civility pledge survey, a rotating group of United as Neighbors volunteers worked with the Civility Project over several weeks to compose the Newberg Area Civility Pledge:

I will be kind and respectful to everyone.

I will listen to understand the views and values of those with whom I disagree.

I will work to solve problems by seeking common ground.

I will refrain from mocking or ridiculing those who disagree with me.

I will seek to trust, and be trustworthy and truthful, in my interactions with others.

This pledge has been sent to all the candidates running for offices representing the Newberg/Dundee area, from city council all the way up to Oregon Governor.  It will be featured at a table at the October 8 candidates fair for anyone (candidate or not) who may be interested in endorsing it. United as Neighbors is creating placards and business cards suitable for display by churches, businesses, service groups, and individuals who want to promote these values in the local political culture.  A guest editorial promoting the Pledge has been submitted to the Newberg Graphic newspaper.