Crepes on the Quad

Civility Poll:

Phineas v. Ferb

Remember, we see civility as tending to the health and capacity of our political culture, seeking to resolve conflicts and achieve justice in ways that heal polarization and alienation rather than exacerbating them. So, in the poll you choose, tell us what you think a political candidate committed to civility should do, and briefly explain your answer

Case #3: Phineas is having a good campaign for state representative. It's hard to get people to pay attention to such a race, but his campaign staff has done a great job. Every week he has three or four events with turnouts sometimes as high as 100. But he notices that Ferb (no relation), his opponent, has been nearly invisible. He learns Ferb is trying to run his own campaign, has no signs, has events where no one comes, etc. What should Phineas do?