George Fox Political Civility Project Inventory (Prototype)

The Paper Edition

If you or your group want to score a debate or other political conversation in a setting where a paper version of the inventory works best, here is a link to a Microsoft Word / Google Docs version of the inventory. You may print it off and use it as long as you leave visible the copyright protection for George Fox University and no revenue is generated by the use.

The Google Forms Edition

Featuring automatic data collection and, on request, reports generated by the Civility Project.

If you want to use your device to score a debate or other political conversation for civility, below is a Google form version of our protoype inventory. If you are Google Forms savvy, you have permission to copy and use this form. If you are having a group score the event, and would like to see how the group rates the speakers, let us know the date of the event and the identities of Speaker 1 and Speaker 2.

To set this up, just send us an email (civility@ Please give us at least two entire business days (minimum of 48 hours, to make sure we see your email in time) notice before the time when you plan to distribute inventories to your group.

( Note: Make sure everyone using the inventory has the same Speaker 1 and Speaker 2. If you are worried about this, give us an extra business day's notice and we should be able to provide you with a version tailored to your two debaters.)

We are happy to provide this service because having multiple users try the inventory will help us improve it. We expect to revise the prototype significantly during the first half of 2021. Each time we make a major revision, we'll notify everyone on our email list. When we publish the final version of the inventory -- hopefully in time for the 2022 election season -- we will update everyone.