HSC WEEK AND Work Experience

As you know, HSC Week is coming up on Feb 17th to 21st, 2025. If you are not traveling on an overseas trip or taking part in the Bizsmart in-school workshop, you will be completing a volunteer work placement at a company/ organization that you are able to choose. 

How to:  steps to securing a work placement


Complete your CV in Unifrog that highlights your skills, strengths and experiences. You can also complete the Unifrog Personality test to help you determine best fits.


Discuss with your parent/ Guardian, the Work Experience Week Parent Information Letter


Have your parent/ guardian complete the WEW Parent Agreement Form and submit this to your CREW teacher.


Make a list of possible companies/ organizations that interest you along with their location, contact information.


Contact the companies/ organizations that you are interested in and set up a meeting or phone call. This could be with an individual or the Human Resources Department.


Share the Company Information Letter with your prospective company/ organization Secure a volunteer work placement for the week of February 17th to February 21st 2025.


Have your agreed company/ organization supervisor complete the Supervisor Agreement Form and submit it to your CREW teacher.


Complete daily reflections while at the work placement so that you can present in CREW later on. Have your supervisor complete a Supervisor Feedback Form

Why Work Experience?

DAA is pleased to provide our students with a wonderful opportunity; a chance to go out into our vibrant and engaging community and experience an authentic work environment. 

Students may have wondered what exactly adults do at their jobs all day. What does it mean to be an engineer? An electrician? An architect? A banker? A journalist? The DAA Work Experience Week is their chance to find out! 

Students will have the unique opportunity to pick their work experience location based on their personal interest in a particular field or area of study. 

We truly believe that work experiences can impart valuable knowledge and lessons to students that are not possible within the classroom. When it comes to writing personal statements or university admittance essays, such experiences can strengthen our students’ applications.