Student Services Team
Meet Our Team
Administrator of Student Services
Teresa Sanheim Division Office 204-748-2692
Resource Teachers Administrator
Darlene Friesen/Megan Cloet Virden Collegiate Institute 204-748-2205 Mark Keown
Erin Hagan Virden Junior High 204-748-1932 Tracy Ramsey
Alanna Whittle/Lorie Garcia Mary Montgomery School 204-748-2575 Brad Hayward
Debbie Leslie/Jenn Anderson Goulter School 204-748-2294 Will Noseworthy
Cheryl Klassen Oak Lake Community School 204-855-2242 Brenda Masson
Shawnda Mitchell Elkhorn School 204-845-2118 Lance Barrate
Kim Masson Reston School 204-877-3994 Amy Schiltroth
Christie Archambault Kola School 204-556-2347 Kristi Wilson
Dana Poole Boundary Lane Colony School 204-845-2662 Pam Jamieson
Dana Poole Plainview Colony School 204-845-2273 Pam Jamieson
Specialized Services
(Referral Required - please contact your Resource Teacher or the Administrator of Student Services for more information)
Speech and Language Clinicians
TBA School Age 204-748-2692
Megan Lanouette School Age/PROMISE Years 204-748-2692
School Psychology
TBA 204-748-2692
PROMISE Years Physiotherapy
Terri Wallace 204-748-2692
PROMISE Years Occupational Therapy
Daydra Dietrich 204-483-5533
School Counsellor
Wendy Bancescu 204-748-2692
School and Home Support Worker
JaysaLee Davies 204-748-2692
For more information please refer to the link below or contact the Administrator of Student Services at 1-204-748-2692
FLBSD Student Services Continuum