Manitoba Education and Early Childhood Learning Resources


Manitoba Education and Early Childhood Learning Resources (Parent Information)


Student Services/Inclusive Learning


Students with special learning needs have disabilities of an intellectual, physical, sensory, emotional, or behavioural nature, or have a learning disability. The purpose of Student Services is to enable the equitable participation of students with special learning needs in the Manitoba school system.


Manitoba Education Information for Parents (Student Services)


Support Documents:

Standards for Appropriate Education (AEP)

The Appropriate Educational Programming Regulation, under The Public School Act, provides directions to guide policy and programming for all students, particularly those with special learning needs, in receiving the appropriate educational programming they require. The regulations confirm in legislation that all students in Manitoba are entitled to receive appropriate educational programming that fosters student participation in both the academic and social life of the school. The legislation supports Manitoba’s philosophy of inclusion.


            School Boards are required to provide each resident and enrolled student with adequate school accommodation, and 

            they are required to provide access to appropriate educational planning for all students within their schools. 

            For more information click the link below:

          Standards for Student Services (pdf)



Transition - supporting your child's needs

          Early Childhood Transition to School for Children with Special Needs (pdf) - supporting your child when they are coming to Kindergarten

          Bridging to Adulthood - supporting your child as they move beyond high school

Planning and Programming for Students with Special Learning Needs - information

Planning and Programming




More information can be obtained by contacting your school’s Administrator/Resource Teacher or 

by contacting the Administrator of Student Services for Fort La Bosse School Division at 1-204-748-2692