Language Policy

Empowering Possibilities International Charter

-Language Philosophy, Policies, and Essential Agreements-

School Context - Empowering Possibilities International Charter (EPIC) serves students in transitional kindergarten through 8th grade. EPIC is an independent charter public school that challenges our students with a rigorous, college preparatory, international-minded curriculum that encourages students to embody the values and skills promoted by the IB learner profile. We offer instruction in multiple languages to promote cultural development and global citizenship. We place importance on language learning including mother language, host country language, and other languages. Our school community and parents place an important emphasis on the belief that students should have the opportunity to maintain and continually develop the Russian Language as their mother language while developing a strong understanding of American Standard English as the host country language.

School Demographics:

Enrolment: August 2018 - 381 students

Nationalities: countries/regions

Predominant populations: 86.9% Russian, English 8.1%, Ukrainian 3%

EL students: 74.3%

Immigrants: 15%

Philosophy -

At EPIC we believe that language is a part of the culture and should be practiced in order to preserve one’s cultural heritage.

At EPIC we believe that learning multiple languages helps students to develop an awareness of other cultures and a strong sense of international mindedness.

At EPIC we believe that language is learned through opportunities for interaction that will build a student’s skill and confidence.

At EPIC we believe that learning a language beyond one’s native language helps develop open-mindedness towards diversity and understanding of others.

At EPIC we believe all teachers are language teachers and are trained as such.

At EPIC we believe the native language of all stakeholders should be: respected, maintained, and its use encouraged.

Policy - Learning a new language and mastering a native language are both processes that take practice and time. Since learning a language is an ongoing process we have policies in place to promote successful practice for all students.

At EPIC, core instruction is delivered in American Standard English and is aligned with the California State Standards focusing on the areas of reading, writing, listening, and speaking. All teachers take part in active collaboration to ensure all educational practices will promote inquiry and be to the highest standards. We strongly believe that language is interdisciplinary and crosses all instructional areas. We strive to support all students to ensure they have access to the content, whether the student is an English Language Learner or a native English speaker by providing push-in para-professional support for Russian translation daily in Language and Literature and Mathematics courses. Other courses are considered on an as-needed basis with approval from the head of schools.

At EPIC, parent involvement is part of our culture and we highly encourage parent participation. We believe parents are a driving force behind their student’s education and having their involvement only improves this process. At EPIC we understand and respect that the vast majority of our families speak Russian. Out of respect to this potential language barrier, we work hard to provide translated materials and to have staff available who can translate when needed; it is our hope that by providing these language supports all families will feel they have equal access to be involved in their student’s educational experience. We also have a dedicated parent liaison who works directly with parents to ensure understanding of language policies and ensure that the parents are able to have input into their student’s language progression and academic success.

Additional Language(s) - At EPIC, all 6th - 8th grade students receive instruction in Russian and Spanish during instructional hours.

Native Language Support - At EPIC our philosophy includes a high level of respect for a student’s native language. We believe a student’s native language should be respected and preserved. We strive to incorporate our students’ native language while also working to facilitate a strong acquisition of a second language. Upon enrollment, all students will be assessed to determine home language; then, students are provided with any necessary support, including push-in support and pull-out English Language Development (ELD) support, to ensure they can succeed alongside their peers. EPIC will strive to provide communication (both written and spoken through our parent liaison) between the school and home in both English and Russian to ensure equal access to all materials.

Essential Agreements:

  • EPIC will provide instructional CCSS aligned units of inquiry in American Standard English with Russian Language support when needed

  • EPIC will provide Russian Language instruction for K-8th grade students during school hours

  • EPIC will provide Spanish Language instruction for 6th -8th grade students during school hours

  • EPIC will provide Rosetta Stone access for students who need additional English or Russian language learning support

  • EPIC’s school library will contain a multitude of books offered in a variety of languages

  • EPIC’s MYP teachers will provide subject-specific reference materials in the classroom library for all students to use as needed

  • EPIC will provide access to Success Maker for intervention services

  • EPIC teachers are trained in Guided Language Acquisition Design (GLAD) for additional language support strategies

Policy Development - The development of EPIC’s Language Policy included input from many stakeholders including the school leadership team, MYP teachers, PYP teachers, and parents. The original policy was drafted by using our sister school’s (Gateway International School) policy and EPIC PYP’s policy as a starting point. These documents were revised and updated to fit the needs of EPIC’s MYP program. The final draft of the language policy was reviewed by the Leadership Team, a group of MYP teachers, parents, and a PYP 10-11 teacher in order to ensure continuity with our PYP program.

Implementation Plan and Timeline - This policy is currently being implemented in all grades. Any changes or updates will be made at the end of each year as a part of the staff review process and implemented at the start of the new school year.

Accountabilities - EPIC’s Language Policy will be reviewed and updated by all stakeholders frequently. The Leadership Team will review and suggest updates during the staff review. Parents will review the policy once a year at IB morning Chats with the IB Coordinators and Leadership Team. And finally, the EPIC staff will review the policy at the beginning of each academic year as a refresher and will update the policy at the end of every academic year as they are reflecting on its effectiveness and preparing for the next academic year.