Service and Sustainable Development Learning

In K1, service and sustainable development learning starts in the classroom where children develop their commitment to care for others by taking on roles and responsibilities for their own learning, the class environment and each other. K1 students have the opportunity to participate Environmental Initiatives through caring for the K1 garden, as well as Fresh Fruit Friday.

Students form partnerships (Global Concerns) with and support Non Government Organisations in the region. K1 students have the opportunity to help with GC awareness and participate in fundraising and communication programmes throughout the year. Where possible links are made between classroom learning and issues raised by the GC.

The Infant School Global Concern is Kuma Cambodia. Further information can be found here.

The value of the Service programme to the organisations and people our students interact with can be measured in many ways. But the greatest impact is on our students, as they put their ideals and values into action and grow as compassionate people and active agents of change.