[2022][Spring] Information Security

資訊安全 Introduction to Information Security

課程資訊 Course Information

  • Instructor: 紀博文 Po-Wen Chi

  • Time: Mon 9:10 - 12:10

  • Location: B103

  • TA: 呂昀修

    • Email: cow3690m@gmail.com

  • Goals:

    • Make students be familiar with basic security technologies and how they are applied in the real world.

    • Provide backgrounds for further studying in cryptography and network security.

  • Scope:

    • Cryptographic primitives.

    • Network and system security in the real world.

參考書目 Reference Book

課程進度 Syllabus

成績計算 Grade

  • Homework: 40%

    • Writing assignment.

    • Labs.

    • Programming.

  • Midterm: 30%

  • Final Projects: 30%

作業 Assignments

    • HW01

      • Due: 2022.03.27 PM11:59

    • HW02

      • Due: 2022.04.10 PM11:59

    • HW03

      • Due: 2022.05.15 PM11:59

    • HW04

      • Due: 2022.06.12 PM11:59

期中考 Midterm

期末報告 Final Projects

Schedule: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14WoHnHZIVghe7lHqGhYAwfOrf9atZ9SUKUBylh7XKQo/edit?usp=sharing

    • Group project. (2-3 members)

    • You need to prepare a proposal after the midterm.

      • Proposal Due:

      • This proposal must includes your team members, your emails, your topic, your motivation and your reference works.

      • I will give you my comments about your proposal so that you can prepare your final project well.

    • Reference Suggestions:

      • Crypto, EuroCrypt, AsiaCrypt

      • PKC: International Conference on Practice and Theory of Public Key Cryptography

      • FC: Financial Cryptography

      • TCC: Theory of Cryptography Conference

      • ACNS: International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security

      • ISC: The Information Security Conference

      • USENIX Security Symposium

      • CCS: ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security

      • AsiaCCS: ACM ASIA Conference on Computer and Communications Security

      • S&P: IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy

      • NDSS: ISOC Network and Distributed System Security Symposium

      • ACSAC: Annual Computer Security Applications Conference.

      • Of course, there are lots of conferences. After you make your decision, please give me a proposal.

    • Final Presentation:

      • The schedule is Here.

    • Each presentation is 30 minutes, including QA.

    • Everyone should ask at least one question to the following two talks.

    • You need to submit a report to the moodle.

      • In Chinese.

      • Use your own words to introduce the paper.

      • The most important part, your research idea about this topic.

      • Due: 2022.06.19 PM11:59

額外加分區 Bonus