
Because of Google Drive policy change (unlimited --> 10G), I remove slides, resources and video recordings of some old classes.
If you want to get slides, please see the recent class site.


2024 Summer 科技系統與社會發展 (第二專長學分班)

2024 Summer 資訊安全 Introduction to Information Security (第二專長學分班)

2024 Spring 資訊安全 Introduction to Information Security

2024 Spring 程式設計二 Computer Programming II

2024 Spring 計算機網路 Computer Networking (第二專長學分班)


2023 Fall 軟體工程 Introduction to Software Engineering

2023 Fall 程式設計一 Computer Programming I

2023 Fall 資安攻防演練  Information Security: A Hands-on Approach 

2023 Summer 科技系統與社會發展 (第二專長學分班)

2023 Summer 程式設計 C Programming (第二專長學分班)

2023 Summer 資訊安全 Introduction to Information Security (第二專長學分班)

2023 Spring 資訊安全 Introduction to Information Security

2023 Spring 程式設計二 Computer Programming II

2023 Spring 計算機網路 Computer Networking (第二專長學分班)


2022 Fall 程式設計一 Computer Programming I

2022 Fall 軟體工程 Introduction to Software Engineering

2022 Fall 資安攻防演練 Information Security: A Hands-on Approach 

2022 Summer 科技系統與社會發展 (第二專長學分班)

2022 Summer 程式設計 C Programming (第二專長學分班)

2022 Summer 資訊安全 Introduction to Information Security (第二專長學分班)

2022 Spring 計算機網路 Computer Networking (第二專長學分班)

2022 Spring 資訊安全 Introduction to Information Security

2022 Spring 程式設計二 Computer Programming II


2021 Fall 程式設計一 Computer Programming I

2021 Fall 軟體工程 Introduction to Software Engineering

2021 Fall 資安攻防演練 Information Security: A Hands-on Approach

2021 Summer 程式設計 C Programming (第二專長學分班)

2021 Summer 資訊安全 Introduction to Information Security (第二專長學分班)

2021 Spring 資訊安全 Introduction to Information Security

2021 Spring 程式設計二 Computer Programming II

2021 Spring 計算機網路 Computer Networking (第二專長學分班)


2020 Fall 程式設計一 Computer Programming I

2020 Fall 軟體工程 Introduction to Software

2020 Summer 程式設計 C Programming (第二專長學分班)

2020 Summer 資訊安全  Introduction to Information Security (第二專長學分班)

2020 Spring 教學實習 Information Technology Teaching Practicum

2020 Spring 程式設計 Computer Programming (第二專長學分班)

2020 Spring 資訊安全 Introduction to Information Security

2020 Spring 程式設計二 Computer Programming II


2019 Fall 計算機網路 Computer Networking (第二專長學分班)

2019 Fall 軟體工程 Introduction to Software Engineering

2019 Fall 程式設計一 Computer Programming I

2019 Summer 程式設計 Python Programming (第二專長學分班)

2019 Summer 計算機網路 Computer Networking (第二專長學分班)

2019 Spring 資訊安全  Introduction to Information Security (第二專長學分班)

2019 Spring 資訊安全  Introduction to Information Security

2019 Spring 程式設計二 Computer Programming II


2018 泰國科學營 Science Camp: Introduction to Information Security

2018 Fall 軟體工程 Introduction to Software Engineering

2018 Fall 組合語言 Assembly Programming 

2018 Fall 程式設計一 Computer Programming (I)

2018 Summer 程式設計 C Programming(第二專長學分班)

2018 Spring 資訊安全 Introduction to Information Security