[2019][Spring] Information Security

資訊安全 Introduction to Information Security

課程資訊 Course Information

  • Instructor: 紀博文 Po-Wen Chi

  • TA: 張惠安 ernest91041@gmail.com

  • Goals:

    • Make students be familiar with basic security technologies and how they are applied in the real world.

    • Provide backgrounds for further studying in cryptography and network security.

  • Scope:

    • Cryptographic primitives.

    • Network and system security in the real world.

參考書目 Reference Book

課程進度 Syllabus

成績計算 Grade

  • Homework: 40%

    • Writing assignment.

    • Labs.

    • Programming.

  • Midterm: 30%

  • Final Projects: 30%

    • You need to prepare a proposal after the midterm.

    • Select a topic, not a paper, and study this topic from many papers.

    • Prepared a oral presentation and a paper report.

    • Group project is allowed, but the topic should be harder.

    • Can I implement an attack in practice or develop a defense approach practically since I do not want to read papers?

      • Yes, if the topic interests me.

作業 Assignments

  1. Homework 01

  2. Homework 02

  3. Midterm

  4. Homework 03

  5. Homework 04

    • Due: 2019.06.17 PM11:59

期末報告 Final Projects

  1. Description

  2. Register Link:https://forms.gle/wDF76SHNemnnJBLJ8

  3. Schedule

    • 6/24 09:30-10:00 洪熙陽、林筠傑、謝東景

    • 6/24 10:00-10:30 李怡璇、劉怡萱、蔡孟庭

    • 6/24 10:30-11:00 雷承維、林聖裕、李兆珩

    • 6/24 11:00-11:30 張力、王德揚、徐雅盈

    • 6/24 11:30-12:00 林佩萱、蕭雅方

    • 6/24 13:00-13:30 江宏文、陸毅軒、湯亦祥

    • 6/24 13:30-14:00 黃英睿、林政佑、陳建瑋

    • 6/24 14:00-14:30 陳萱庭、黎志堅

    • 6/24 14:30-15:00 孫維崗、蒲立年、周承翰

    • 6/24 15:00-15:30 秦昊、陳炫豪、張祐誠

    • 6/24 15:30-16:00 楊承恩、唐豪

    • 6/24 16:00-16:30 廖軒鴻

    • 6/24 16:30-17:00 黃書霈、鄭宇鈞、張鎮麟

    • 6/24 17:00-17:30 劉子瑄

    • 6/24 17:30-18:00 黃羽軒

    • 6/27 11:00-11:30 蔡旻錚、吳宥德

    • 6/27 11:30-12:00 曾筱善、戴浩霖

額外加分區 Bonus


Due: 2019.6.27