[2019] 第二專長學分班:


第二專長學分班 資訊安全 Introduction to Information Security

課程資訊 Course Information

  • Instructor: 紀博文 Po-Wen Chi

  • TA: 陳炫豪 fayefayeder@gmail.com

  • Goals:

    • Make students be familiar with basic security technologies and how they are applied in the real world.

    • Provide backgrounds for further studying in cryptography and network security.

  • Scope:

    • Cryptographic primitives.

    • Network and system security in the real world.

  • 線上直播:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k8bOQZ4-5NM

參考書目 Reference Book

課程進度 Syllabus

成績計算 Grade

  • 報告成績:30%

  • 作業成績:30%

  • 期末考:20%

  • CTF Game:20%

作業 Assignments

  1. Homework 01

  2. Homework 02

  3. Report

  4. PicoCTF 2018